1096 examples of flavor in sentences

The lake and river trout, weighing from two to ten pounds, beautiful as they are, have not that delicacy of flavor which belongs to the genuine brook trout.

Use 4 yolks of eggs and flavor with rose-water.

Beat the whites with pulverized sugar and flavor to taste.

Soak 6 ounces of bread-crumbs in milk and press dry; add 2 ounces of butter mixed with 3 ounces of sugar and 3 ounces of chocolate; add the yolks of 6 eggs well beaten, and flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla; add the whites beaten to a stiff froth.

Beat the yolks of 4 eggs with sugar and flavor with vanilla; pour over the strawberries; put in the oven to bake.

Beat 3 whites of eggs with pulverized sugar; flavor with lemon and spread over the pudding.

Flavor with rose-water and put in a well-buttered pudding-dish.

Flavor with rose-water.

Flavor with vanilla and then put the whites on top and serve.

Sweeten to taste and flavor with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Whip 1 cup of rich cream with pulverized sugar and flavor with vanilla.

Then beat the whites to a stiff froth with 3 tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar; flavor with vanilla.

Of course there were farms to the south of the city and apples may have ripened there to as fine a flavor, and to the east, also, doubtless there were farms.

" She supped up bird-like from the tip of her spoon, smacking for flavor.

Nothing in the shape of flesh comes amiss to this rapacious creature; yet, much as it enjoys the flavor of the human subject, it relishes the cheval mort.

As I look down our street, which is lined with them, they remind me both by their form and color of yellowing sheaves of grain, as if the harvest had indeed come to the village itself, and we might expect to find some maturity and flavor in the thoughts of the villagers at last.

They sit down to it, dwell upon it, get its flavor, and after the meal they sit still and as a nation permit themselves unabashed to enjoy the sensation of hunger appeased.

There is a certain charm in making a stew, especially to the unaccustomed cook, because of the excitement of wondering what the result of such various ingredients will be, and whether any flavor save that of onions will survive the competition in the mixture.

" "Oh well, we can go by the level a little farther, but I thought you liked the 'flavor of the foreign.'

They were very rich, and of good flavor.

This was called usquebaugh, and had a strange peaty flavor, which was at first very unpleasant to them, but to which before they left Scotland they became quite accustomed.

The whole plant has a strong aromatic and agreeable flavor.

"Lady," quoth he, "is the flavor of this pasty pleasing to thy palate?

That everything went off smoothly, as we had planned, that from the Casaba melons which were served first to the walnuts of the last course, everything was delicious in flavor and perfect in service I was gratefully but dimly aware.

Let us not judge Charlton by his green flavor.

1096 examples of  flavor  in sentences