1096 examples of flavors in sentences

Believe me, while my faculties last, a proper appreciator of your many kindnesses in this way; and that the last lingering relish of past flavors upon my dying memory will be the smack of that little Ear.

This was the usual style of our meals on the road, whether breakfast, dinner or supper, except that kid was sometimes substituted for fowl, and that the oil employed, being more or less rancid, gave different flavors to the dishes, A course of melons, grapes or pomegranates wound up the repast, the price of which varied from ten to twelve realsa real being about a half-dime.

I untangled a couple of mysteries about smells and flavors.

For nectar and ambrosia are only those fine flavors of every earthly fruit which our coarse palates fail to perceive,just as we occupy the heaven of the gods without knowing it.

I make a great account of these fruits, which the farmers do not think it worth the while to gather,wild flavors of the Muse, vivacious and inspiriting.

I have seen no account of these among the "Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America," though they are more memorable to my taste than the grafted kinds; more racy and wild American flavors do they possess, when October and November, when December and January, and perhaps February and March even, have assuaged them somewhat.

To appreciate the wild and sharp flavors of these October fruits, it is necessary that you be breathing the sharp October or November air.

" Of course no flavors are thrown away; they are intended for the taste that is up to them.

Some apples have two distinct flavors, and perhaps one-half of them must be eaten in the house, the other out-doors.

As with temperatures, so with flavors; as with cold and heat, so with sour and sweet.

Some of them are prepared from native fruit flavors that are quite unknown here.

Therefore complain I not of modern degeneracy, when, even from the open window of the small unlovely farm-house, tenanted by the hard-handed man of bovine flavors and the flat-patterned woman of broken-down countenance, issue the same familiar sounds.

"Sometimes the sour oranges are hard to find in the market, but grapefruit seems to have both flavors in itself.

Abstinence has blunted the nicer perceptions of taste, and the jaded organs lose the power not only of discriminating flavors, but of knowing when to cry, "Enough!"

The Art of cooking with herbs and spices: a handbook of flavors and savors.

" APPETITE AND LONGING What aeons of culture lie between such a scene and a dinner party in Europe or America, with its refined, well-behaved guests, its table etiquette, its varied menu, its choice viands, skilfully cooked and blended so as to bring out the most diverse and delicate flavors, its esthetic featuresfine linen and porcelains, silver and cut glass, flowers, lightsits bright conversation, and flow of wit.

The eyes are for colors, the ears for sounds, the nose for scents, the tongue for flavors, the touch for heat and cold, for hard and soft.

It is like the particular flavors of fruits,of no account but in relation to their saccharine, acid, and other staple elements.

Cinnamon, cloves, or other spices, should not be added, as their stronger flavors deaden or obliterate the natural flavor, which should always be preserved as perfectly as possible.

Poor fruit will not be improved by canning; over-ripe fruit will be insipid and mushy; and though cooking will soften hard fruit, it cannot impart to it the delicate flavors which belong to that which is in its prime.

Certain foods communicate distinct flavors, and it is quite probable that eggs may be rendered unwholesome through the use of filthy or improper food; hence it is always best, when practicable, to ascertain respecting the diet and care of the fowls before purchasing eggs.

Eggs, however, readily absorb flavors from surrounding substances, and for that reason lime water or salt solution are somewhat objectionable.

Here were the quintessences of Baudelaire and of Poe; here were their fine and powerful substances distilled and disengaging new flavors and intoxications.

The combined flavors of the quince and apple are very pleasing.

The ghost of a spree is a most alluring fellow; it is the dust on the bottle that flavors the wine; a musty bin is the soul's delight; we drink the vintage and not the wine.

1096 examples of  flavors  in sentences