78 examples of flem in sentences

Flem Between you and me, Dr. Peacock, I don't have a high opinion of that purge.

Flem Also, excepting your wife who you buried last year.

Flem That merits some concern.

Flem That's another matter.

Flem You do wisely.

Flem You are right to do so.

Flem Certainly, a Tontine isa Tontine is(helplessly) What the devil is a Tontine? Peacock (smugly triumphant)

Flem That's a clever idea.

Flem Really bright.

Flem Beautiful. Peacock (to Dudley) Open your mouth.

Flem He hasn't even got a cavity.

Flem Amazing.

Flem He's got all the signs of long life.

Flem Broad and strong.

Now, I must reconcile myself to becoming the wife of this detestable Mr. Flem.

Trippet Flem is difficult to swallowassuredly.

I am already unhappy enough to be married to Mr. Flem.

Dr. Peacock has promised his daughter to Mr. Flem.

You're joking, Mr. Flem.

Flem Well, as to that matter, I'm still juicy.

Flem It's delightful to me to hear such words from your mouth, dear lady.

Flem Ours will be just such a perfect union.

(Enter Dudley from the house and Flem after him.)

Accept my mistress on the same terms she was to be married to Mr. Flem.

(Exit Flem.)

78 examples of  flem  in sentences