148 examples of flemings in sentences

Dutch, Walloons, Flemings, Irishmen, and Scots, Vaudois, and Valtelins, and Huguenots, In good Queen Bess's charitable reign, Supplied us with three hundred thousand men.

The beautiful image with which this poem concludes suggested itself to me while I was resting in a boat along with my companions under the shade of a magnificent row of sycamores, which then extended their branches from the shore of the promontory upon which stands the ancient, and at that time the more picturesque, Hall of Coniston, the Seat of the Le Flemings from very early times.

At this table sat Britons, Frenchmen, Normans, Angevins, Flemings, Burgundians, and Loherins.

Holdin, Duke of the Flemings, was a wise prince, circumspect and sober in counsel.

But the Flemings speaking nearly the same language as their Protestant neighbors, where is their literature now?

The battle of Roosebeke, where the second Artevelde and his companions succumbed to superior numbers, was the last great enterprise of the Flemings against the French.

Two Flemings, Baudaert and Walaeus, and two Dutchmen, Bogerman and Hommius, completed it.

The tables d'hôte resounded with a confusion of tongues which might have rivalled the Tower of Babel, and the shops actually glittered with showy toys hung out to tempt money from the pockets of the English, whom the Flemings seemed to consider as walking bags of gold.

Now the attention was attracted by a park of artillery thundering through the streets; and now, by a group of officers disputing loudly the demands of their imperturbable Flemish landlords; for not even the panic which prevailed could frighten the Flemings out of a single stiver; screams and yells occasionally rose above the busy hum that murmured through the crowd, but the general sound resembled the roar of the distant ocean.

We think not of the millions of Frenchmen to whom the language of the capital is a sealed letter,of the Germans of Alsatia, the Flemings of the extreme North-East, the Bretons of the peninsula of Finisterre, the Basques, the Catalans of the mountains of Roussillon, and, more numerous than all these, the fourteen millions of the thirty-seven departments south of the Loire.

Entering a street which leads through a district inhabited by the working classes, we suddenly found our way barred by a mob of several thousand excited Flemings.

The young king, however, freshly arrived from the Netherlands with a crowd of Flemish favorites in his train, proceeded to issue gratuitously a license for the trade to one of the Flemings at court, Laurent de Gouvenot, known in Spain as Garrevod, the governor of Breza.

Our Terms in polite Literature prove, that this came from Greece; our terms in Music and Painting, that these came from Italy; our Phrases in Cookery and War, that we learnt these from the French; and our phrases in Navigation, that we were taught by the Flemings and Low Dutch.

The black Flemings.

Philip, on arriving with his army before Cassel, found the place defended by sixteen thousand Flemings under the command of Nicholas Zannequin, the richest of the burghers of Furnes, and already renowned for his zeal in the insurrection against the count.

The Flemings had planted on a tower of Cassel a flag carrying a cock, with this inscription: "When the cock that is hereon shall crow, The foundling king herein shall go.

As a make-weight, at this same time, another province, Picardy, aided by many Normans and Flemings, its neighbors, "nobles, burgesses, and common-folk," was sending to sea an expedition which was going to try, with God's help, to deliver King John from his prison in England, and bring him back in triumph to his kingdom."

The Flemings like to be treated so; with them you must make no more account of the life of men than you do of larks when the season for eating them comes."

When the Flemings heard of the king's decision they sent respectful letters to him, begging him to be their mediator with the count their lord; but the letters were received with scoffs, and the messengers were kept in prison.

was no longer King of England; the Flemings' demand was considered there to be arrogant and opposed to the interests of the lords in all countries; and the alliance was not concluded.

Some attempts at negotiation took place between the advisers of Charles VI. and the Flemings, but without success.

There was less complete unanimity and greater alarm amongst the Flemings than their chiefs had anticipated.

These words were far too presumptuous; for the Flemings fought with great bravery.

Philip had reckoned on the energetic cooperation of the cities of Flanders, and at the first blush the Flemings did display a strong inclination to support him in his enterprise.

Neither the Flemings nor Philip had correctly estimated the importance which was attached in London to the possession of Calais.

148 examples of  flemings  in sentences