24 examples of flemming in sentences

Louis A. Flemming: Putnam's Word Book.

A Flemming seeing me led a prisoner Cryde, "Whither doe you lead that English dog, Kill, kill him!"

Thus the wounded, broken affections of Flemming began to lift themselves from the dust and cling around this new object.

"I will make you one, if you wish," said Flemming.

" Flemming was reclining on the flowery turf, at the lady's feet, looking up with dreamy eyes into her sweet face, and then into the leaves of the linden-trees overhead.

I will not refer to the writings of the older authors, such as Rush, in America; Hutchison, Macnish, Carpenter, and others, in England; Huss and Dahl, in Sweden; Ramaer, in Holland; Esquirol, Pinel Brierre de Boismont, Morel, and others, in France; Flemming, Jameson, Roller, Griesinger, and others, in Germany.

When they were standing he said, "Percy, I had just left the Flemmings before I came in here.

Well, noI suppose the Flemmings are, to get another daughter off their hands, and she to have a safe man to pay her bills.

Colored folks could get land through Andy Flemming (colored man).

Daw (Marjorie) Edward Delaney, writing to another young fellow, John Flemming, confined in town in August by a broken leg, interests him in a charming girl, Marjorie Daw by name, whom he has met in his (Delaney's) summering-place.

" As we passed Boppart, I sought out the Inn of the "Star," mentioned in "Hyperion"; there was a maiden sitting on the steps who might have been Paul Flemming's fair boat-woman.

This then was the spot where Paul Flemming came in loneliness and sorrow to muse over what he had lost, and these were the words whose truth and eloquence strengthened and consoled him, "as if the unknown tenant of the grave had opened his lips of dust and spoken those words of consolation his soul needed."

EDWARD T. FLEMMING L.M. ...100.00 Kingston.

SEE Flemming, Alfred Howell, comp.

SEE Russell, Harold G. FLEMMING, ALFRED HOWELL, comp.

SEE Flemming, Alfred Howell, comp.

SEE Russell, Harold G. FLEMMING, ALFRED HOWELL, comp.

It was the will of God that we found there 2 Padres, the one an Englishman, the other a Flemming.

The boys can get plenty of stubs at Flemming's.

What great courage is necessary for that?" exclaimed Lieutenant Flemming Wolff, a cousin of the bride of the evening.

Lieutenant Flemming Wolff remained alone in the room, having hidden himself in a dark corner where he had not been seen by the servants, who had extinguished the lights and locked the door.

From this latter it was learned that the owner of the house two hundred years ago had been a silk weaver by the name of Flemming Ambrosius Wolff.

The old castlesamong them Stolzenfels and the Brotherslooked down upon them from their rocky heights, as long afterwards upon the American, Paul Flemming, when he journeyed, sick at heart, along the Rhine, toward ancient Heidelberg.

" As we passed Boppart, I sought out the inn of the "Star," mentioned in "Hyperion;" there was a maiden sitting on the steps who might have been Paul Flemming's fair boat-woman.

24 examples of  flemming  in sentences