42 examples of flex in sentences

Moreover he must grip the branch on which he sits more or less firmly with his claws, to keep from falling; and the tense muscles, which flex the long claws to drive them into the wood, soon grow weary and numb in the bitter frost.

Extend and flex the fingers vigorously.

Grasp with the right hand the calf of the extended right leg, and vigorously flex the leg, bringing it near to the body.

On the inside we feel three tendons of important muscles on the back of the thigh which flex the leg upon the thigh.

Flex the wrist with the fingers extended, and again with the fingers in the fist.

The act of restoring a limb, etc., to its natural position after it has been flexed or bent; the opposite of flexion.

render curved &c adj.; flex, bend, curve, incurvate^; inflect; deflect, scatter [Phys.]; refract (light) 420; crook; turn, round, arch, arcuate, arch over, concamerate^; bow, curl, recurve, frizzle.

V. stretch, flex, extend, distend, be elastic &c adj.; bounce, spring back &c (recoil) 277.

The hocks should be freely flexed and drawn close in under the body, so that, when moving off the foot, the body is thrown or pushed forward with some force.

I took charge of Hyldebrand, provided an old dog-kennel for his shelter, an older dog-collar for his adornment and six yards of "flex" for his restraint.

The action of the perforans is to flex the third on the second, and the second on the first phalanx.

He 'points' the footin other words, the limb is slightly advanced, the fetlock partly flexed, and the heels from off the ground.

Shoulder, elbow, knee, and fetlock are all easily and painlessly flexed and extended.

The foot is carried forward with all the phalangeal articulations flexed, and in many cases the limb is unable to take weight at all.

That usually found most comfortable for the first incision is with the foot held forwards and placed on an assistant's thigh in the position adopted for 'clenching up' when shoeing, while that for the rear incision is with the animal's knee flexed, and the foot held well up to the elbow.

In either case, of course, the limb is advanced; but while some hold that the phalangeal articulations are flexed and the heel slightly raised, in order to relieve the pressure of the perforans tendon on the affected area, and so obtain ease, there are others who hold that the heel is pressed firmly to the ground in order to deaden the pain.

Later still there is distinct evidence of 'knuckling' over at the fetlock and inability to fully flex it.

In his close little tepee he flexed and tensed his muscles and went through physical exercises every night and morning, but it was on the lake in the fishing, where the Indians grew to recognize his help, that he achieved most.

Here they recounted their exploits, bragged of their triumphs, boasted of their girls, flexed their muscles to show their strength.

When a Comanche is dying, while the death-rattle may yet be faintly heard in the throat, and the natural warmth has not departed from the body, the knees are strongly bent upon the chest, and the legs flexed upon the thighs.

The arms are also flexed upon each side of the chest, and the head bent forward upon the knees.

Still holding the turned knob in his hand, he quickly crouched back and brought his flexed shoulder heavily against the door.

The flexed bicep appeared to leave him aghast at its hardness and immensity.

The sick man, too weak for violent, voluntary effort, was stretched and champooed, the muscles of his trunk and limbs alternately flexed and extended by another person, until he gradually acquired strength to use active movements.

He stood up, flexed his muscles and took deep breaths.

42 examples of  flex  in sentences