1125 examples of flickered in sentences

Frank's eyelids flickered and directly he opened his eyes.

Behind us, far off, we could hear the booming of the guns, which seemed from hour to hour to come a little nearer, and flashes of distant gunfire flickered in the night sky.

The light flickered along the road toward them.

"Tuckered out," he thought as he looked into her face across which light and shadow flickered as flame and smoke in the camp-fire came and went fitfully, twisted by the evening breeze.

Dinner was served in a vast and sombre hall whose darkly panelled walls and high-beamed ceiling bred a multitude of shadows that danced about the table a weird, spasmodic saraband, without meaning or end, restlessly advancing and retreating as the candles flickered, failed and flared in the gusty draughts.

And a moment later they were running side by side down a narrow street, where a single lamp swung from a gibbet at the corner and flickered in the wind of Saragossa.

The cold, fishy eyes had flickered open and were taking stock of the situation.

She was straight-lipped, with a smile that flickered, and a hard light in her blue eyes.

" A slight smile, sad and deprecating, flickered for an instant over his lips.

And yet a curious little throb of pain flickered in his heart for a moment, that, mad as she undoubtedly was, she should be so happy to be rid of him forever.

Helma stood watching until their little forms had flickered out of sight among tree-shadows.

He moved a pace or two nearer, his voice dropped to a lower key, the light she had learned to loathe flickered in the depths of his eyes.

His apprehensive glance flickered over the rocks and trees around hima thousand secure hiding places.

As for Arizona, the newborn hope died in him, and then flickered back to an evil life.

And when over all this luxuriant exotic beauty the soft clouds furled away and the sun showed us Pico, we had no more to ask, and the soft, beautiful blue cone became an altar for our gratitude, and the thin mist of hot volcanic air that flickered above it seemed the rising incense of the world.

A second later, while the two stood listening, arrested by the noise, the door was thrown open with such violence that the candles flickered in the draught.

And one day a little dart flickered through a rent in the cotton tenting and struck Louis.

" The black eyes of the Ojibway flickered.

Far in the west, lightning flickered and low thunder grumbled there now and then, but in the camp everything was dry.

Before these signs his courage flickered out and left him speechless.

The gas burned low and blue, and flickered in the wind.

The last bleeding rays of the sunset flickered on the silver-mounted rifles as they spat fire into the heat-quivering air.

There was Bohannan, Leclairand pistol-barrels flickered in the evening glow, and half the men gripped knives in their left hands, as well.

Towards dawn, when I lay down on the floor of a barn to sleep, the uproar had died out in a measure; but lights still flickered in the camp where soldiers were smoking their pipes and playing cards by the flare of splinter-wood torches.

A curious expression flickered across his face as he did so, and a little chill went through her.

1125 examples of  flickered  in sentences