404 examples of floundered in sentences

It'sHe'sI" "Thank you, Jake," replied Lenore, as the cowboy floundered.

That elusive mystery, which philosophers have wrapped in the thousand veils of Greek and Latin words, and psychologists, even unto the third and fourth generation of Freudians, have floundered about in, moles before a dazzling sun, is it to be unwound for our inspection?

"Why should you be glad to see me, pray?" "Why, becausebecause" Mrs. St. Clair floundered a little, and seemed really unable to give any reason.

But at the very moment that he reached this decision, the front of the slide smashed with a noise like volleyed canyon against the side of a hill, tossed immense arms of white in the air, floundered, and then veered with the speed of an express train rounding a curve and rocked away down the slope straight for Bull.

The St. Bernard floundered in the water for a few moments and tried to reach Morse.

Already there was a horrid rent where Tunnygate had floundered through at her suggestion in order to save going round the pathetic grass plot which the Appleboys had struggled to create where Nature had obviously intended a floral vacuum.

He had flung himself down upon the ground, and floundered about in a convulsion of terror, whilst his terrible little companion, with his cynical smile, stood over him with his pistol in his hand.

And this certitude it was that set him in such an atmosphere of power and made us all look to him instinctively; for he took no tentative steps, made no false moves, and while the rest of us floundered he moved straight to the climax.

And finally there was the case of Cyril Brown, staff correspondent of the "New York Times" in Berlin, with whom I floundered through the maze of official red tape and military snares that entangled the reporter at the German capital.

He touched the piebald with the spurs, and the gallant little horse floundered forward, lost footing and struck into water beyond its depth.

That is, how the deuce did you know I did?" floundered the trapped parent.

His mind floundered among his own less definite, less sorted thoughts, till presently another sentence from the artist startled him into attention again.

He made the short trip to New York, floundered about the city, found every one willing and eager to help him find the address on the slip, and brought up, finally, in front of the house on Madison Avenue.

'Twas a beautiful speckled and glossy trout; And when from the water I drew him out, On the grassy bank as he floundered about, It made me shivering cold, To think I had caused so much needless pain;

As this was full of coal and patent fuel and was next the engine-room, and as it had not been opened for the airing, it required to get rid of gas on account of the flood of water on deck making it impossible to open the hatchways; the possibility of a fire there was patent to everyone and it could not possibly have been dealt with in any way short of opening the hatches and flooding the ship, when she must have floundered.

But not an inch of canvas did she lower, but floundered on in her stolid fashion, while a little black ball ran up to her peak, and the rare old flag streamed suddenly out from the halliard.

II Laughing It Out He had a whim and laughed it out Upon the exit of a chance; He floundered in a sea of doubt If life was realor just romance.

He could hear people running, and when a large woman, draping her wrapper about her, floundered out of a basement door near him, he followed her.

Most of them asked him if Metropolisville had "grown any" since he left, and whether or not he meant to stay and set up here, and then floundered a little and left him.

But we floundered about the crowded vessel like boiling victims in a pot.

He would have desired an end to this irresolute state in which he floundered.

The bishop, flushed and furious, his watch dangling from its chain, floundered wildly after him.

In the wee, small hours of the morning a weary commuter, numb from the cold and the cramped position in which he had tried to sleep, crawled out of the train and floundered through the heavy snow-drifts to the nearest telegraph station.

Presently the maiden asked archly: "Of course, you've read 'Romeo and Juliet?'" He floundered helplessly for a moment and then, having a brilliant thought, blurted out, happily: "I'veI've read Romeo!" INSTALMENT PLAN Half the world doesn't know how many things the other half is paying instalments on.

In the Dean's employ his organizing genius developed the marvellous skill of the cataloguer that brought order out of the chaos of groping and guessing and blundering in which the science of botany had floundered up till then.

404 examples of  floundered  in sentences