21 examples of floury in sentences

" "M-m-m-m-m!" She tiptoed up to kiss him again, this time at the back of the neck, carefully averting her floury hands.

" "It's too dusty and floury," said Patsy.

"Sweet innocence!" exclaimed her guardian, playfully pinching her cheek and privately surprised at its floury feeling.

Where our road brought us to the foot of the first slope, large groves of the calmyra, whose fruit contains a sort of floury pulp like roasted potato, were planted on ground belonging to the State, and tenanted by young men belonging to that minority which, as Esmo had told me not being fortunate enough to find private employment, is thus provided for.

She just cut loose on the two of them, and chased them through the sloughs and up the road clear homelarrupin' them with a binder whip, as fast as she could swing itthe yowls out of them would have done your heart good!" Mrs. Watson stopped her work, with her floury hands raised in consternation.

Saul wished the embrace could be returned by proxy, as his mother's hands were too floury to do more than hover affectionately round the delicate face that looked so fresh and young beside her wrinkled one.

(A floury kind should be used for this soup.)

When done they mash readily and look floury.

Adj. powdery, pulverulent^, granular, mealy, floury, farinaceous, branny^, furfuraceous^, flocculent, dusty, sandy, sabulous^, psammous^; arenose^, arenarious^, arenaceous^; gritty, efflorescent, impalpable; lentiginous^, lepidote^, sabuline^; sporaceous^, sporous^. pulverizable; friable, crumbly, shivery; pulverized &c v.; attrite^; in pieces.

They lived close to each other like beasts of the forest; they slept and ate; already the year was so far advanced that they had tried the new potatoes, and found them large and floury.

"Had the fellow really lost his money?" asked Mr. Selincourt, coming out from his hiding-place very sticky on one side and very floury on the other.

Blanche Devine hesitated a moment, her floury hand on her hip.

I said, looking after the pursy figure of the miller in his floury canvas round-about and corduroy trowsers, trotting up and down among the bags.

11 P.M.Still blowing harda real blizzard now with dusty, floury drifttwo minutes in the open makes a white figure.

During the night the wind had changed from N.N.W. to S.S.E.; it was not strong, but the sun was obscured and the sky looked heavy; patches of land could be faintly seen and we thought that at any rate we could get on, but during breakfast the wind suddenly increased in force and afterwards a glance outside was sufficient to show a regular white floury blizzard.

To be sure, she had her own private and special quarrels with "Massa James" when he disputed any of her sovereign orders in the kitchen, and would sometimes pursue him with uplifted rolling-pin and floury hands when he had snatched a gingernut or cooky without suitable deference or supplication, and would declare, roundly, that there "never was sich an aggravatin' young un."

* Potato Cream Boil six medium-sized, mealy potatoes and when soft press them through a sieve until light and floury.

Her hands and her forearms instantly out from the business of kneading something meaty and floury, Mrs. Kantor rushed forward, her glance quick from one to the other of them.

Shake the kettle several times while they are drying, to make them floury.

If peeled before steaming, shake the steamer occasionally, to make them floury.

Make ready a crust as follows: Boil four or five large floury potatoes; when done, strain and mash with salt and pepper, a little chopped parsley and a little melted fat; mix it with two well-beaten eggs; then put a layer of it around the bottom and sides of a deep pie-dish; lay in the stew, cover with the balance of the potato; brush it over with the yolk of an egg and bake in a quick oven till brown.

21 examples of  floury  in sentences