158 examples of flurry in sentences

How welcome in the midst of this flurry of snowhow welcome to his eye was that smoke coming out of the chimneys!

My lady was in a flurry of fear.

There was no severe wind accompanying the storm, and the flurry of rain soon swept by, leaving an ugly swell behind, but enabling the guard to again uplift the hatches.

Not a romantic offering, certainly, but a very acceptable one, as Joe's face proved, as we scrambled these treasures into his pockets, all laughing at the flurry, while less fortunate comrades helped us, with an eye to a share of these fragrant luxuries by and by.

Like a sudden flurry of wind, tossing loose ends of things, they broke into her quiet morning hour and threw her groping thoughts into greater chaos.

There was a flurry among the tall hats.

" "My dear Dorothea!" Narcissus gazed helplessly at Mudge; but Mudge had been seized with a flurry of his own, and misinterpreted the look as well as the stern question.

" A moment afterward, she appeared before them smiling, and said: "There was no occasion for being so frightened, but I am getting nervous with all this flurry.

Eventually such gossip died away and took another flurry when a report went abroad that Tump Pack was carrying a pistol and meant to shoot Peter on sight.

" "They have had one flurry of snow already," Sally answered, "but not so much wind as we of Litchfield rejoice in.

What with the hurry and the flurry and the general mix-up, something a little off color will slip in now and then.

The puddler had drunk in every word, looking through the Doctor's flurry, and generous heat, and self-approval, into his will, with those slow, absorbing eyes of his.

Hurry is the spouse of Flurry, and the father of Confusion.

We, therefore, trusted ourselves to the mercy of the waves; and in about half an hour the boat was overset by a sudden flurry from the north.

Still, full of the fright into which this worthy person's first visit had thrown him, he received him with more flurry than politeness.

For one to whom the wash-woman's Tuesday visitation is the event of the week, and in whose bosom the delivery boy's hoarse "Groc-rees!" as he hurls soap and cabbage on the kitchen table, arouses a wild flurry, there can be very little thrill on awakening.

" Then they were off, in a little flurry of words and laughter.

On the first Sunday morning she came to the service there was a little flurry among the ushers at the vestibule door.

Ten days before the formal opening of the new twelve-story addition there was issued from the superintendent's office an order that made a little flurry among the clerks in the sections devoted to women's dress.

Miss Jevne was aware of the flurry and flutter that followed her majestic progress down the aisle to her own section.

"Whirlwind, Whirlwind, though you're but a flurry, And so odd the business you pursue; Though you come on, and are off, in such a hurry, I have caught a hint; and now adieu!"

I had forced myself into a sort of resignation, but I had not got over the sickening shock and the flurry of the first certainty of my misfortune.

She went away without flurry.

In the flurry of the moment no one noticed their departure, which indeed might not have attracted attention at any time.

And when a man on either side sank down with a hollow sound like a beast in shamble-thills, and the man in front fell over on his face without a sound, the multitude turned, broke into groups, fled, and disappeared in a moment like a whirl of snow which the wind canters down the street in a veering flurry.

158 examples of  flurry  in sentences