23 examples of foco in sentences

Sento d' un foco.

Se 'l foco alla bellezza.

Non più ch' 'l foco il fabbro.

Innocuas placide corpus jubet urere flammas, Et justo rapidos temperat igne focos.

"Mentre che io canto, o Dio redentore, Vedo l'Italia tutta a fiamma e foco, Per questi Galli, che con gran valore Vengon, per disertar non so che loco: Però vi lascio in questo vano amore

"Con tal romor, qualor l'aer discorda, Di Giove il foco d'alta nube piomba: Con tal tumulto, onde la gente assorda,

Trapassa; ed ecco in quel silvestre loco Sorge improvvisa la città del foco.

sotto l'arme già sentir gli parve Caldo o fervor come di foco intenso; Ma pur, se fosser vere fiamme o larve, Mal potè giudicar tosto il senso: Perchè repente, appena tocco, sparve Quel simulacro, e giunse un nuvol denso, Che portò notte e verno; e 'l verno ancora E l'ombra dileguossi in picciol'ora.

Maraviglioso foco indi m'apparse, Senza materia in un istante appreso; Che sorse, e, dilatando un muro farse Parve, e d' armati mostri esser difeso.

Clitia il vago Acanto; Arde la Rosa di vermiglio foco, L'odor sospiro e la rugiada e pianto: Ride la Calta, e pallida e essangue Vinta d'amor la violetta langue.

Jam quoque cum fiunt antiquae sacra Vacunae, ante Vacunales stantque sedentque focos.

foco á los ígneos espíritus que habitan incólumes entre las llamas, y desde su ardiente seno entonan al Criador himnos de alegría.

foco, m., focus; center.

[Footnote 3: A lovely simile indeed. "Tanto lieta Ch' arder parea d'amor nel primo foco.

Ornabo et puris serta feram manibus Corniger hos aries humilis et maxima taurus Victima sacrato sparget honore focos Marmoreusque tibi aut mille coloribus ales

No doubt the reality of the belief had vanished; it could not be said of the city family, as Ovid, said of the farm-folk: ante focos olim scamnis considere longis mos erat

Page 239, l. 10. ante focos, etc.: it was customary once to take places in the long benches before the fireplace, and to trust that the gods were present at our table.

We are happy to give our meed of praise to the decent and orderly conduct of the sable multitude, and to record that it far excelled the Loco Foco group of bullies and boasters in decency of propriety of demeanor.

We are happy to give our meed of praise to the decent and orderly conduct of the sable multitude, and to record that it far excelled the Loco Foco group of bullies and boasters in decency of propriety of demeanor.

"O croce, fammi loco, E le mie membra prendi, Che del tuo dolce foco Il cor

Dissolve frigus, large super foco ligna reponens, is a rule for the young, whose wood-pile is yet abundant for such cheerful lenitives.

The dry grass around furnished an excellent tinder, which, ignited by the sparks from the flint (there were no loco-focos in those days), and aided by the broken branches and bits of light-wood, soon produced a cheering flame.

LOCO-FOCOS, the name, which denotes lucifer-matches, given to an ultra-democratic or radical party in the United States because at a meeting when on one occasion the lights were extinguished the matches which they carried were drawn and the lamps lit again.

23 examples of  foco  in sentences