539 examples of focus in sentences

It is our object to make this background as rich and full and orderly as possible, so that whatever is brought to the focus of consciousness shall be set in a relational background, which shall give it meaning; and so that our pupils may be able to feel the truth which Browning puts into the mouth of Fra Lippo Lippi: This world's no blot for us Nor blank; it means intensely and means good: To find its meaning is my meat and drink.


Peter, by his mother's orders (she had thought of everything) was at a neighbor's house, the centre of all interest, the focus of all gayety.

Thus we see that at a time when we apparently focus our attention upon but one thing, we really have a large number of things in our mind, and they are of a great variety.

A cross-section of the stream at any moment may show the contents of the mind arranged in a particular pattern, but at the very next moment they may be arranged in a different pattern, another object occupying the focus, while the previous tenant is pushed to the margin.

These marginal objects are in the mind even when you conscientiously focus your mind upon the history lesson, and, though vague, they try to force their way into the focus and become clear.

These marginal objects are in the mind even when you conscientiously focus your mind upon the history lesson, and, though vague, they try to force their way into the focus and become clear.

This discussion shows that the conditions at time of concentrated attention are very complex; that the mind is full of a number of things; that your object as a student is to keep some one thing at the focus of your mind, and that in doing so you must continuously ignore other mental contents.

Only thus can you keep it in the focus of attention.

The difference between a man of weakness and one of power lies not in the strength of the personal will (for the stubborn man is usually weak and foolish), but in that focus of consciousness which represents their states of knowledge.

The south remained, nevertheless, a focus of hostility to the Manchus.

The province of Canton, the actual birthplace of the republican movement and the focus of radicalism, declared itself in 1912 an independent republic.

" He brought his senses to the finest focus, trying hard to understand.

How shall we pass most swiftly from point to point, and be present always at the focus where the greatest number of vital forces unite in their purest energy?

hinterland did Richmond and her sister towns near the falls on the rivers begin to focus Virginia and Maryland trade; and even they had little influence upon life on the tidewater peninsulas.

Charleston was in fact so complete a focus of commerce, politics and society that South Carolina was in a sense a city-state.

The answer probably lies in the proximity of Newport, the main focus of African trading in American ships.

The truth is that Rome, for one brief period, during the pontificates of Julius and Leo, was the focus of Italian intellect.

They, like Plato and Aristotle, hold open books; and rays from these eight volumes converge upon the head of the angelical doctor, who becomes the focus, as it were, of all the beams sent forth from Christ and from the classic teachers, whether directly effused or transmitted through the writers of the Bible.

Children, who can focus their eyes on very near objects, must be able to comprise in a single mental image much more than a half of any small object they are examining.

The object of his affections is large in his eyes, so large that the focus is blurred.

The Greek coast-town of Aivali will be hers, and the still more important focus of Greek commerce and civilization at Smyrna; while she will push her dominion along the railways that radiate from Smyrna towards the interior.

Some say it starting from the shoulder, others from the chest, others from the abdominal focus.

" "A question of focus," said the painter, hastily.

"A mere question of focus.

539 examples of  focus  in sentences