139 examples of fogerty in sentences

"I'll set Fogerty, who is a clever detective, at work.

No man can disappear from his customary haunts without leaving some sort of a record behind him, and Fogerty may be able to uncover the mystery in a short time.

Also they knew that Uncle John had employed him some time ago to ferret out the mystery of the identity of Thursday Smith, and the fact of Fogerty's presence indicated he had something to report.

Fogerty was invariably placid and inscrutable, so no explanation could be gleaned from his demeanor.

"Then go along, and Fogerty and I will join you at the office presently.

But that reminds me; you are to say nothing totoThursday about Mr. Fogerty's arrival.

I'll wait here to see Fogerty.

" "Fogerty!" exclaimed the artist, with a start of surprise.

" There was so much good sense in this reasoning that all three girls were impressed and began to regret that Uncle John had called Fogerty to untangle the skein.

Mr. Merrick made a dive for the door and followed Fogerty.

Fogerty stood with his hands in his pockets intently watching the Dwyer girls set type, while at his elbow Mr. Merrick was explaining in a casual voice how many "m's" were required to make a newspaper column.

Presently Fogerty strolled over, smoking his eternal cigarette, and stood watching the pressman, as if interested in the oiling of the complicated machine.

Smith, feeling himself under observation, glanced up again in an unconcerned way, and as he faced the detective Fogerty gave a cleverly assumed start and exclaimed: "Good God!" Instantly Thursday Smith straightened up and looked at the man questioningly.

Fogerty stretched out his hand and said, as if in wonder: "Why, Melville, old man, what are you doing here?

Fogerty lighted a fresh cigarette, watching the scene with an imperturbable smile.

Fogerty coughed.

Then they all wanted to shake hands, and did until it came to Fogerty's turn.

"My name's not McCormick; it's Fogerty," said the other, without malice.

He took Fogerty's hand.

CHAPTER XXIII THE JOURNALISTS ABDICATE Mr. Merrick told Thursday Smith, in an apologetic way, how he had hired Fogerty to unravel the mystery of his former life, and how the great detective had gone to work so intelligently and skillfully that, with the aid of a sketch Hetty had once made of the pressman, and which Mr. Merrick sent on, he had been able to identify the man and unearth the disagreeable details of his history.

Cox and Booth had gone away and Mr. Merrick thanked Fogerty for his skillful service and gave him a fat check.

It was the very day before the wedding that Fogerty gave them so great and agreeable a surprise that Uncle John called it "Fogerty's Wedding Present" ever afterward.

It was the very day before the wedding that Fogerty gave them so great and agreeable a surprise that Uncle John called it "Fogerty's Wedding Present" ever afterward.

"The great Fogerty made such a blunder the first time," said Hetty, who was overjoyed at the glorious news, "that he might give poor Thursday another dreadful scare if he tackled the job again.

" "But, on the contrary, my dear, Fogerty might discover that Thursday was some eminent and good manas I am firmly convinced is the truth," suggested Mr. Merrick.

139 examples of  fogerty  in sentences