53 examples of fomentation in sentences

This may be used as a fomentation, or the club-moss may be made into an ointment with the butter from the milk of a new cow."

Fomentations are generally used to effect, in a part, the benefit produced on the whole body by the bath; to which a sedative action is occasionally given by the use of roots, herbs, or other ingredients; the object being to relieve the internal organ, as the throat, or muscles round a joint, by exciting a greater flow of blood to the skin over the affected part.

As the real agent of relief is heat, the fomentation should always be as hot as it can comfortably be borne, and, to insure effect, should be repeated every half-hour.

Another kind of fomentation is composed of dried poppyheads, 4 oz.

Such remedies are called Lotions, and should, when used, be applied with the same persistency as the fomentation; for, as the latter should be renewed as often as the heat passes off, so the former should be applied as often as the heat from the skin deprives the application of its cold.

Poultices are only another form of fomentation, though chiefly used for abscesses.

Fomentations of warm oil of turpentine, if they can be obtained, should be put over the whole of the belly.

The other symptoms are to be treated on general principles; if they are those of depression, by brandy-and-water or sal-volatile; if those of inflammation, by leeches, fomentations, fever-mixtures, &c. &c. 2667.

These fomentations are to be applied in the following manner:Dip a good-sized piece of flannel into a pail or basin full of hot water or hot poppy fomentation,six poppy heads boiled in one quart of water for about a quarter of an hour; wring it almost dry, and apply it, as hot as the patient can bear, right round the sprained part.

These fomentations are to be applied in the following manner:Dip a good-sized piece of flannel into a pail or basin full of hot water or hot poppy fomentation,six poppy heads boiled in one quart of water for about a quarter of an hour; wring it almost dry, and apply it, as hot as the patient can bear, right round the sprained part.

If it can be procured, oil-silk may be put over the warm-fomentation flannel, instead of the dry piece of flannel.

If the redness and pain about the part, and the general feverish symptoms, are great, from eight to twelve leeches are to be applied round the wound, and a warm poppy fomentation or warm bread poultice applied after they drop off. 2688.

Fomentation (Lat. foveo, to keep warm).

Sarah Gailey's life had indeed latterly developed into a continual fomentation and a continual rocking.

The doctor, who had been and gone, had arranged a system of fomentation and hot-water bottles surpassing anything in even Sarah's experience.

Bruel prescribes an epithem for the heart, of bugloss, borage, water-lily, violet waters, sweet-wine, balm leaves, nutmegs, cloves, &c. For the belly, make a fomentation of oil, in which the seeds of cumin, rue, carrots, dill, have been boiled.

"Will you have a fomentation?"

Fomentation, followed by cold water, and, when dry, dusting as above.

In the early stages one has false hopes of recovery by finding gradual improvement for a time by fomentation and poultices, followed by irrigation and stimulants to the coronet, and perhaps the animal is discharged from hospital, to be returned after a few days worse than ever.

Very obviously Harriet had sprained her ankle while looking at the old man instead of watching the path, and the hot fomentation had reduced the swelling.

My aunt bathed it twice a day in a hot anti-septic, but to no purpose, except that the poor thing seemed much comforted by the fomentation.

For some time the doctor has been trying gentle remedies: the poultice, the plaster, the fomentation, have all been tried.

No poultice, no plaster, no fomentation will be of any avail now, nothing but the knife, nothing but cutting off the limb will save the man's life.

They are an ingredient also in the common fomentation and green oil.

The Leaves, L. E. D. Belladonna was first employed as an external application, in the form of fomentation, to scirrhus and cancer.

53 examples of  fomentation  in sentences