6011 examples of fondest in sentences

He has realized his fondest hopes.

in the very instant that Fortune gratifies our fondest wishes, she often betrays us; and her smiles are a thousand times more fatal than her frowns.

Harry, his brother's fondest worshipper, could not but admire George's haughty bearing and rapid declamation, and prepared himself, with his usual docility, to follow his chief.

In music, dancing, in orthography, in every variety of embroidery and needle-work, she will be found to have realised her friends' fondest wishes.

But she prints the thought on velvet, Rosy-hued, with fondest kisses, When the pink, soft page is lying Folded closely to her bosom.

One supreme thought made his heart bubble over with joy: At last he had reached the goal of his fondest wishes.

The dislike of her son, of which Mrs Hardman had been suspected, now melted completely away into the fondest affection for his memory.

He values his pleasures as they do honour, by the difficulty and dearness of the purchase, not the worth of the thing; and the more he pays the better he believes he ought to be pleased, as women are fondest of those children which they have groaned most for.

" Having delivered this legal opinion with an air of profound wisdom, and the most acute penetration, he leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs, and regarded his empty glass as with the air of a man whose fondest hopes in that direction had been ruthlessly crushed.

Here sank his fondest hopes, here ended his ambition.

With fondest love.

" I may be pardoned for dwelling a moment on the scanty memorials of one whose name is often mentioned in the letters of Washington, and whose early promise awakened the fondest expectations.

What more can the fondest mother's heart ask than such safety as this?

Home and Bridget met him even in the fanciful and now thriving beds within the crater, where everything appeared to push forward with a luxuriance and promise of return, far exceeding what had once been his fondest expectations.

O faithful, fondest, fairest of all mothers!"

His career up to this hour has been all that the fondest mother could desire.

The fondest votary in thy train, If all past service be not vain, Might surely be receiv'd again!

Fondest love to my angels, Your affectionate daughter, ELIZABETH LATOUR COURT, LONG ISLAND LATOUR COURT, LONG ISLAND, Saturday.

What can he want that stands possest of this? What can the fondest wishing mother more, Of heav'n attentive, for her son implore?

The fondest Lover I know, said to me one Day in a Crowd of Women at an Entertainment of Musick, You have often heard me talk of my Beloved: That Woman there, continued he, smiling when he had fixed my Eye, is her very Picture.

I happened to be sitting in a little Parlour which belonged to my own Part of the House, and musing over one of the fondest of my Husbands Letters, in which I always kept the Certificate of my Marriage, when this rude Fellow came in, and with the nauseous Familiarity of such unbred Brutes, snatched the Papers out of my Hand.

And now it was all in vainthey could no longer rejoice with methe fondest hope of my life was lost to me forever.

The flash-light pictures of the three children were all that the fondest grandmother could wish.

Caroline, you have disappointed and deceived your parents; you have blighted their fondest hopes, and destroyed, sinfully destroyed, the peace of a noble, virtuous, excellent young man, who loved you with all the deep fervour of an enthusiastic soul.

The creation of this Department was for the more immediate benefit of a large class of our most valuable citizens, and I trust that the liberal basis upon which it has been organized will not only meet your approbation, but that it will realize at no distant day all the fondest anticipations of its most sanguine friends and become the fruitful source of advantage to all our people.

6011 examples of  fondest  in sentences