1189 examples of for the rest in sentences

The consul Scipio dies, and C. Valerius Laevinus takes his place for the rest of the year.

Joe Carbrook spent little time in debate with himself; he let everybody know that he was going to be a missionary doctor, and that he would go to the State University for the rest of his college course.

"I thought the six of us would have a jolly time for the rest of the day.

For the rest, it was perfectly clear that the monarchy had done nothing for the material or spiritual advancement of the country, which remained as poverty-stricken and as illiterate as it well could be.

It has been England's privilege hitherto to solve all political questions as they arise for the rest of the world; it is her duty now.

"We waited at that place for the rest of the day and the whole of the night, and the next morning the little basin was empty and entirely dry.

At the age of fifteen Richardson went to London and learned the printer's trade, which he followed for the rest of his life.

In 1834 Carlyle went to London, where he lived for the rest of his life in Cheyne Row, Chelsea.

He entered the duke's service in the spring of 1518, and remained in it for the rest of his life.

He had cut out Jake Dexter with Nellie Atterbury, and made it up to his friend by offering him a lock of Bell's hair, which he had surreptitiously cut from her hanging braids, and which Jake wore pinned in his button hole as a trophy for the rest of the evening, to the immense scandal of everybody.

demandadera, f., convent servant, woman who attends at the door of a convent to run errands. demás, further, besides; los , the others, the rest; por lo , for the rest, moreover, besides.

As for the rest of us we were carried down on a traineau; that is to say the diligence was unloaded and its wheels taken off; the baggage and wheels were put on one traineau and the diligence with the passengers in it on another, and in this manner we descended to Lans-le-Bourg.

The Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Kritik, founded in 1827 as an organ of the school, contained a few critiques, but for the rest he devoted his whole strength to his lectures.

For the rest of that day we were all very quiet and restrained; pity for the dead man being mingled with a dread of taking the wheel when night came.

You are now at the spot where woman is real superintendent of the works, and this is where you want to camp for the rest of your life.

Unless I secured the wood that day it would not be in my power to get the fuel we needed for the rest of the winter.

For the rest, he was going back here; something of the cold, loose freshness got into his brain, he believed.

For the rest, he was sustained against tittle-tattle by the knowledge that he had performed a charitable deed in England, for the Queen's popularity was enhanced, and all the English, but particularly their King, were delighted, by the fine son which the stork duly brought to Alianora the following June.

" I needn't say, I suppose, that I was immediately engaged for the rest of that week at Gatti's.

But Dicky's mother, as far as I could see, was to be a member of our household for the rest of her life.

" "And he had that to live on for the rest of his life."

He would not question Harry; but he would listen to all he had to say, and so kept quiet, waiting for the rest.

" She stopped, and Keith waited in vain for the rest of the story.

During the second, which lasted for the rest of her life, her salon, purged of the Encyclopaedists, took on a more decidedly worldly tone; and the influence of Horace Walpole was supreme.

Ambrose had grown used to pulling his cart: he had expected to pull it for the rest of his days; and now the cart had suddenly broken down behind him and he was left standing in the middle of the long life-road.

1189 examples of  for the rest  in sentences