1110 examples of for this reason in sentences

Indeed, a few moments later she said to me: "It is for this reason, Mr. Gregg, that I have sought you in confidence.

For this reason it appears that it would not contribute to the wealth of the publick to debar us from insuring the ships even of those with whom we are at war, for it is always to be remembered that they will receive no detriment from such prohibitions, nor will feel any other consequence from them than a necessity of transferring to some other nation the profit which we receive from it.

For this reason philosophers admonish us not to be satisfied with learning only, but also to add study, and then practice.

It is for this reason that the cultivator of the earth reviles the gods, for this reason the sailor does, and the merchant, and for this reason those who lose their wives and their children.

It is for this reason only, and not because I underestimate for a moment the vast resources, the splendid organisation, the military valour of Germany, that I restrict myself in the following pages to a consideration of the possible effects of victory rather than of defeat.

For this reason it did not appear to me in the least surprising that Jesus should call the Blessed Virgin 'Woman,' instead of 'Mother.'

Women may disguise it if they think fit, and the more to do it, they may be angry at me for saying it; but I say it is natural to them, that they have no Manner of Approbation of Men, without some Degree of Love: For this Reason he is dangerous to be entertaind as a Friend or Visitant who is capable of gaining any eminent Esteem or Observation, though it be never so remote from Pretensions as a Lover.

For this reason Herbart terms his method of finding out necessary supplements to the given "the method of relations."

It is for this reason that the Government of the United States make no complaint of the assertion in the note presented by M. Sérurier that the statement of facts contained in the President's message is inaccurate, and that the causes assigned for the delay in presenting the law ought to have satisfied them.

Nay, and added thiswhich you cannot deny, which you said openly in the hearing of allthat you chose that spot for this reason, that as he had called himself a Roman citizen, he might be able, from his cross of punishment, to see in the distance his country and his home!

The great event of the Transfiguration took place in our Saviour's life for this reason, among others, that we might learn from it how we are to think of Christ.

The latter declared the whole conflict over, and said there was no further need of an expedition and that for this reason also the men sent by the senate for the administration of the districts had arrived.

For this reason some of the tribunes, who had been left out of the meeting, caused him trouble (at least, in the procession), so that there was some killing.

And it is for this reason that, if the instant when it is born sees it die, centuries of centuries can not destroy its effect.

The chief interest of the British was to preserve the fur trade for their merchants, and it was mainly for this reason that they clung so tenaciously to the Lake Posts.

It is for this reason that intelligent people have always taken so much pains to fortify the machine, so that it would respond to what they believed was right.

It is, I presume, for this Reason that my Correspondents are willing by my Means to be rid of them.

For this Reason, when any publick Affair is upon the Anvil, I love to hear the Reflections that arise upon it in the several Districts and Parishes of London and Westminster, and to ramble up and down a whole Day together, in order to make my self acquainted with the Opinions of my Ingenious Countrymen.

The priests hearing these echoes of sorrow and pain, and who did not know for what purpose Fathers Deogracias and Primo had been separated from them, seemed to recognize the voices of these two priests among the groans, believing them to be cruelly tortured; for this reason they began to say the rosary in order that the Most Holy Virgin might imbue them with patience and fortitude in their martyrdom.

For this reason we await your orders on this matter.

For this reason he was never very intimate with his cousin Russell, whom he liked very much, but who was too scrupulous and independent to please him.

For this reason also, Lesina could not take Palko away, for it seemed that the sick lady knew him.

Perhaps it was for this reason that madame took Joyce with her when she went to Tours next day.

For this reason the higher content of art is now this spirituality in its absolute form.

For this reason I have desired to expose my arguments, fearing that learned men, rejoicing to find occasion for attacking the writings of another, may judge me so wanting in judgment as to believe all the tales people tell me.

1110 examples of  for this reason  in sentences