220 examples of forearm in sentences

In fact, now, brushing with her bare forearm across her moistly pink face, she was like Flora, who, rather than fade, became buxom.

"Oh, boy," she said"Edwin!"holding to his forearm with fingers that tightened into it.

Lanyard pillowed his head on a forearm and lay sobbing for breath.

A flame of fire scorched through his forearm.

He threw his toga over his left forearm and stood firm to make a fight for it, his white face rigid and his eyes ablaze.

Third: Let the forearm hang from the elbow, and proceed in like manner.

Execute the forearm movements with the arms falling at the side, and also with the elbow as high as the shoulder.

His long arm jerked back, the revolver whipped into his hand, and he stiffened his forearm for the shot.

With his other hand he lifted her forearm and doubled it back.

There was one whose left forearm had been half shot away.

It passed through his left forearm, pierced one lung and lodged in the muscles of his breast, where it lies imbedded.

Immediately afterward Beaumont received a tremendous blow or kick which broke his right forearm.

One hand seized Pedro's wrist, the other his upper arm, and Mary heard the metallic click of the knife as it struck the earth and the sickening sound of the bone of Pedro's forearm cracking.

She saw Pedro's eyes bursting from their sockets in pain and fear; she saw Jack's still profile of unyielding will and the set muscles of his neck and the knitting muscles of his forearm driving Pedro over against the hedge, as if bent on breaking the Mexican's back in two, and she waited in frozen apprehension to hear another bone crack, even expecting Pedro's death cry.

Nevertheless the Colonel quitted the building alone, and apparently unarmed except for his faithful gold-headed stick, which hung as usual from his forearm.

" She seized the strong forearm, thrilled in spite of herself by the muscles of steel she felt through the sleeves.

Spike's left forearm shielded his face, while his right hand went to meet the judge's.

The latter increase the volume and power of the extensors of the shoulder, arm, and forearm, and are to be sedulously practised, because we have fewer common and daily movements of these muscles than of their antagonists, the flexors, and they are consequently weaker in most persons.

Then Sir George, his left forearm under the other's chin, flung him three paces away; and shifting his sword into his right handhitherto he had been unable to change ithe stopped Dunborough's savage rush with the point, and beat him off and kept him offparrying his lunges, and doing his utmost the while to avoid dealing him a fatal wound.

This visitor's bare left forearm is grasped by the Medium, as he says, with both his hands, and this pressure of the Medium's two hands on the visitor's arm is never relaxed, as the visitor readily testifies.

It was very low inside the house, and so dim, with the closed blinds, that they could scarcely see one another: Editha tall and black in her crapes which filled the air with the smell of their dyes; her father standing decorously apart with his hat on his forearm, as at funerals; a woman rested in a deep arm-chair, and the woman who had let the strangers in stood behind the chair.

A man came back from it with a forearm torn sickeningly, to show how brave he had been.

There was dust upon the other side, and he wiped it off, manlike, with a sweep of his forearm.

The wrist is a directing instrument for the forearm and the hand.

These gestures can be made with the whole arm, with the forearm only, or simply with the waving hand; the degree of expression varies accordingly.

220 examples of  forearm  in sentences