15 examples of forest floor in sentences

All the pines shudder and heave a sigh when that man steps on the forest floor.

There is no scavenger that eats tin cans, and no wild thing leaves a like disfigurement on the forest floor.

The deep layer of half-rotted pine needles, branches, decayed wood and other vegetable matter which forms the forest floor, receives this melting snow and holds much of it for a time, while the surplus runs off over the surface of the ground, and by a thousand tiny rivulets at last reaches some main stream which carries it toward the sea.

Moreover, the large portion of it which is held by the humus, or forest floor, drains off still more gradually and keeps the springs and sources of the brook full all through the summer.

Without the humus, or forest floor, to act as a soaked sponge which gradually drains itself, the springs and sources of the brooks would go dry in early summer, and the streams further down toward the cultivated plains would be low and without sufficient water to irrigate all the farms along its course.

I noticed that the plants which cover the forest floor there are such as are commonly confined to swamps with us,the Clintonia borealis, orchises, creeping snowberry, and others; and the prevailing aster there is the Aster acuminatus, which with us grows in damp and shady woods.

But when conditions worsen, food becomes scarce or the forest floor becomes dry, the formerly distinct creatures coalesce into a single being.

But it came clear and slid with incredible swiftness to the head of the chute, flinging aside showers of dirt and small stones, and leaving one more deep furrow in the forest floor.

Each year they bury great quantities of tree seeds in hoards or caches hidden away in hollow logs or in the moss and leaves of the forest floor.

The trees break the force of the rain drops, and the forest floor, acting as a large sponge, absorbs rainfall and prevents run-off and floods.

They also burn the top soil and reduce the water-absorbing powers of the forest floor.

On mountain sides the trampling of sheep frequently breaks up the forest floor of sponge-like grass and debris and thus aids freshets and floods.

But against the dark-brown mould of the forest floor on which we found this coral- snake its bright and varied coloration was distinctly revealing; infinitely more so than the duller mottling of the jararaca and other dangerous snakes of the genus lachecis.

On fallen feathers of the birds, on leaves about the forest floor, he lies excited making there his bed, And he gazes out upon the path, looks about with trembling eyes, anxious, looking out for your approach.

The old year's cloaking of brown leaves that bind The forest floor-ways, plated close and true The last love's labour of the autumn wind Is broken with curled flower buds white and blue

15 examples of  forest floor  in sentences