13699 examples of forests in sentences

They dwelt in huts, which they reared in the forests and marshes, with which the country was covered: they shifted easily their habitation, when actuated either by the hopes of plunder, or the fear of an enemy: the convenience of feeding their cattle was even a sufficient motive for removing their seats: and as they were ignorant of all the refinements of life, their wants and their possessions were equally scanty and limited.

Human sacrifices were practised among them: the spoils of war were often devoted to their divinities; and they punished with the severest tortures whoever dared to secrete any part of the consecrated offering; these treasures they kept in woods and forests, secured by no other guard than the terrors of their religion

He carried his victorious arms northwards, defeated the Britons in every encounter, pierced into the inaccessible forests and mountains of Caledonia, reduced every state to subjection in the southern part of the island, and chased before him all the men of fiercer and more intractable spirits, who deemed war and death itself less intolerable than servitude under the victors.

The men and maidens in the scorching heat Held on their toil, lightened by song and jest; Resting at mid-day, and from brimming bowl, Drinking brown ale, and white abundant milk; Until the last ear fell, and stubble stood Where waved the forests of the murmuring corn;

Those, however, who lived upon the unrequited toil of the people lived out of sight of their sorrows,not in beautiful châteaux, as their ancestors did, by the side of placid rivers and on the skirts of romantic forests, or amid vineyards and olive-groves, but in the capital or the court.

And upon her deck what a bevy of human flowersyoung women how lovely, young men how noble, that were dancing together, and slowly drifting towards us amidst music and incense, amidst blossoms from forests and gorgeous corymbi from vintages, amidst natural caroling and the echoes of sweet girlish laughter.

All the infinite forests, as we ran along their margins, shivered in homage to the secret word.

Like rivers in flood, wheeling round headlands; like hurricanes that side into the secrets of forests; faster than ever light unwove the mazes of darkness, our flying equipage carried earthly passionskindled warrior instinctsamongst the dust that lay around us; dust oftentimes of our noble fathers that had slept in God from Créci to Trafalgar.

Next come the stately forests of white and Norway pine.

If one continues his journey toward the equator he will next pass through forests of broad-leaved trees.

In the eastern forests the trees are close together.

As a result, these Western forests do not shade the ground as well as those in the east.

They make the trees of the eastern forests look stunted.

Our original forests which bordered the Atlantic coast line when America was first settled, were dense and impenetrable.

In many sections of the country our forests are now so reduced that they are of little commercial importance.

Their denuded condition is due largely to the destruction of the neighboring mountain forests and to the activities of erosion.

See nodding Forests on the Mountains dance, See spicy Clouds from lowly Sharon rise, And Carmels flow'ry Top perfumes the Skies!

Movement by land was impeded by mountains, deserts, forests, swamps, water courses.

At worst they abandoned their homes to the invaders and fled into the forests, mountains or deserts.

Building materials must come from forests or mines.

When American Indians made their silent way through the forests or roamed the plains there was no overhead.

In the United States exhibit wuz immense pictures illustrating our forests, methods of lumbering, lumber camps, forest fires, etc., etc.

As he mounted the step he heard for the second time since landing upon the island the solemn tolling of the great bell at St. James, and as he paused for an instant to listen, peal upon peal followed the first until its brazen thunder rolled in one long booming echo through the forests of the Mormon kingdom.

His blood danced as he thought of the gathering of the Mormon fighters, the men and boys racing down the black trails from the inland forests, the excitement in St. James.

20 LII Lo, on the distance a dark blue ravine, A fold in the mountainous forests of fir, Cleft from the sky-line sheer down to the shore!

13699 examples of  forests  in sentences