Do we say foreword or forward

foreword 2401 occurrences

In Twenty Volumes Illustrated ALBANY, N.Y. J.B. LYON COMPANY PUBLISHERS 1913 CONTENTS OF VOLUME I Editor's Preface Publishers Foreword General Introduction.

PUBLISHERS' FOREWORD The German Classics is the first work issued by The German Publication Society in pursuance of a comprehensive plan to open to the English-speaking people of the world the treasures of German thought and achievement in Literature, Art and Science.

Foreword by Rutger Bleecker Jewett; illus.

© on new foreword; 26Jan23, A698082.

Foreword by Ruth Franc von Phul.

With foreword by Jack Binns.

Everyman's house; with a foreword by Herbert Hoover.

Dialogues on friendship, temperance, courage, and piety; edited, with a foreword, by Lloyd E. Smith.

The celebrities cross word puzzle book, edited by Prosper Buranelli, F. Gregory Hartswick, and Margaret Petherbridge; with a foreword by Ruth Hale.

R100851, 13Oct52, Harry E. Hooker (C) HOOVER, ELLISON. Cartoons from life; foreword by Robert Benchley.

Evolution for John Doe; with foreword by Lorande Loss Woodruff.

Foreword by James W. Gerard.

DE CASSERES, BIO (TERRILL) The Boy of Bethlehem; with a foreword by Benjamin De Casseres.

Foreword by Patrick Cardinal Hayes.

Foreword by Harlow Brooks.

THORP, WILLARD LONG. Business annals; with an introductory chapter by Wesley C. Mitchell, and a foreword by Edwin F. Gay.

With a foreword by Hugh L. Scott.

Poorhouse Sweeney; life in a county poorhouse, with a foreword by Theodore Dreiser.

With a foreword by Daniel Frohman.

With a foreword by Daniel Frohman.

Foreword by Frank C. Feliz.

Foreword by Burns Mantle.

NM: revisions, additions & foreword.

© on foreword & new poems; 7Feb39; A126060. Louis Untermeyer (A); 23May66; R386449.

Some aspects of socialism Index FOREWORD

forward 17871 occurrences

by my order I protest Ye are too forward: 'tis no game, no jest, We go about. ROB.

"] Here, according to what follows, Brand steps forward and addresses Matilda.

He gathered his reins in his left hand and with his hitherto menacing right he tilted his hat forward and began to scratch the back of his head.

"What's happened, Racey?" queried Dolan, striding forward.

Another followed, walking forward.

The horse scrambled up and plunged forward, and almost overran Molly.

And instead of coming forward to take her hand, he stepped back in order not to lose anything of the wonderful effect by being too near.

Under her guidance he was conducted to virtue, which, wrapped up in itself, and embracing everything within itself, never looks forward for anything additional.

" While England during this period was in constant political strife, yet rising slowly, like the spiral flight of an eagle, to heights of national greatness, intellectually it moved forward with bewildering rapidity.

We give here a brief summary of the men and the books most "worthy of remembrance"; but for the real literature of the Renaissance one must go forward a century and a half to the age of Elizabeth.

It is openly brought forward.

July 31.] this persuasion, he pictured to himself the wonderful things to be achieved by the gallantry of Montrose in Scotland, and looked forward with daily impatience to the arrival of an imaginary army of twenty thousand men from Ireland.

To this you have been looking forward during the cold raw foggy days of November, when the ploughs were hard at work,during the hot fierce winds of March, and the still, sultry, breathless early days of June, when the air was so still and oppressive that you could scarcely breathe.

The syce dashes forward, vainly hoping to turn them from their quest.

The names of Lydiat, Vane, and Sedley, which are brought forward in the poem on the Vanity of Human Wishes, as examples of inefficiency of either learning or beauty, to shield their possessors from distress, have exercised inquiry.

The loudest cries of nature urge us forward; Despotick rage pursues the life of Cali; His groaning country claims Leontius' aid; And yet another voice, forgive me, Greece, The pow'rful voice of love, inflames Demetrius; Each ling'ring hour alarms me for Aspasia.

In vain I listen to th' inviting call Of freedom and of love; my trembling joints, Relax'd with fear, refuse to bear me forward.

At the same instant the windlass creaked; the ropes which hung from the summit of the column tightened; the gaping hole in the masonry below, gradually closed; the statue bent forward in the rays of the setting sun, and then suddenly describing in the air a gigantic sweep, fell among the flags with a dull, heavy thud, scattering a whirlwind of blinding dust in the air.

ask him, "Is it Delescluze who is determined to resist?""Yes," he answers.[101] "Lean forward a little.

If at a halt, the command for movements involving marching need not be prefaced by forward, as 1. Columnright(left), 2. MARCH.

There are two kinds of commands: The PREPARATORY command, such as forward, indicates the movement that is to be executed.

FORWARD, MARCH: Used also to execute quick time from double time.

There are, in fact, only two deliverances from Werterism possible in the nineteenth century; one is into Popery, and the other is Forward, forward, let us range; Let the peoples spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change; Through the shadow of the world we sweep into the younger day: Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay.

There are, in fact, only two deliverances from Werterism possible in the nineteenth century; one is into Popery, and the other is Forward, forward, let us range; Let the peoples spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change; Through the shadow of the world we sweep into the younger day: Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay.

well, perhaps Raymond won't be so particular; but meanwhile you'd make a great mistake to go against his people" and Madame de Trezac, with a "Chere Madame," swept forward from her tea-table to receive the first of the returning dowagers.

Do we say   foreword   or  forward