24448 examples of forgot in sentences

I'd have been in before this, only IIwas kind of worried about something else, and I forgot," declared Johnnie, strengthening her heart to endure the necessary postponement of her purpose.

"I came off in such a hurry that I forgot all about it.

You must remember himyou can't have forgot Mr. Stoddard.

I forgot you don't knowof course you don't," broke in Johnnie with a sudden dismay in her voice.

That the language of the Romans penetrated very early into Spain, appears most evidently from a passage in Strabo,[BF] who asserts that the Turditani inhabiting the banks of the Boetis, now the Guadalquivir, forgot their original tongue, and adopted that of the conquerors.

For Imtiazan, though she never forgot, could always forgive and had never lost the sense of her duty to relations.

"There is more in that hand, ma'am," he has been known to say; or, "Ma'am, you forgot to count his nob;" in fact, he identified himself with his mistress's game, and would have lost twenty places rather than witness a miscount.

They wished to give up their generous hearts and they had not forgotten old historical memories while others forgot more recent ones.

" "Nay, I forgot nought," said the Sheriff; yet all the same his heart sank within him.

"But I say thou hast forgot something," quoth Robin.

The distant clock forgot, and chilling dew, Pleas'd thro' the dusk their breaking smiles to view, Only in the edition of 1793.]

To-night, my Friend, within this humble cot 665 Be scorn and fear and hope alike forgot

Be the dead load of mortal ills forgot!

1820 Be fear and joyful hope alike forgot 1836.]

I too forgot the heavings of my breast.

" "They usually carry the keys in a basket," observed Marian; "and you forgot to mention the falcon on your wrist.

The fury of the battle continued four hours: the Prussian horse were, at length, broken, and the Austrians forced their way to the camp, where the wild troops, who had fought with so much vigour and constancy, at the sight of plunder forgot their obedience, nor had any man the least thought but how to load himself with the richest spoils.

In studying her, Philip almost forgot his own anxiety.

He forgot, in those few moments, that she had become the arbitress of his material fatethat

" "Thank you, thank you, madame," replied she, with a sharp, and even scornful glance; "I ought to have asked your permission to sit; I forgot; but you have condescended to give it without my doing so; that was very kind, very kind, indeed.

I'll bet he forgot from the bench to the plate.'

Commodus forgot him in a moment, called for javelins and hurled them at a target, then at half-a-dozen targets, hitting all six marks exactly in the middle as he spun himself on one heel.

Then, after we got to Memphis, though we were most grateful for the service which they had rendered us, we were still so excited by our new condition and surroundings that we thought of little else, and forgot that we had no means of establishing, at a later time, the identity of those to whom we owed so much.

" "And the Province, the Red Riders?" "The Province forgot the case years ago.

I forgot all about you!"

24448 examples of  forgot  in sentences