101 examples of formosa in sentences

Under the Manchus they had seen the loss of Korea, the Liaotung, Formosa, and, in a sense, of Manchuria itself; they were apprehensive of German designs in Shantung, of Japanese in Fuhkien.

Formosa divis imperat puella.

4. Non est formosa mulier cujus crus laudatur et brachium, sed illa cujus simul universa facies admirationem singulis partibus dedit; "she is no fair woman, whose arm, thigh, &c. are commended, except the face and all the other parts be correspondent."

" and Triton in his Milaenenigra oculos formosa mihi.

[5270] "Centum basia centies, Centum basia millies, Mille basia millies, Et tot millia millies, Quot guttae Siculo mari, Quot sunt sidera coelo, Istis purpureis genis, Istis turgidulis labris, Ocelisque loquaculis, Figam continuo impetu; O formosa Neaera.

And if thou be in love, thou wilt say so too, Et longum formosa, vale, farewell sweetheart, vale charissima Argenis, &c. Farewell my dear Argenis, once more farewell, farewell.

" Vestem induitur, formosa est: exuitur, tota forma est, let her be dressed or undressed, all is one, she is excellent still, beautiful, fair, and lovely to behold.

" Salmacis would not be seen of Hermaphroditus, till she had spruced up herself first, [5508] "Nec tamen ante adiit, etsi properabat adire, Quam se composuit, quam circumspexit amictus, Et finxit vultum, et meruit formosa videri.

Fama est arguti Nemesis formosa Tibulli, Lesbia dictavit docte Catulle tibi.

I say with Philostratus, formosa aliis, mihi superba, she is a tyrant to me, and so let her go.

Psyche formosa requirit, Et poscit te dia deum, puerumque puella;" "Fair Cupid, thy fair Psyche to thee sues, A lovely lass a fine young gallant woos;"

But parents ought not to be so strict in this behalf, beauty is a dowry of itself all sufficient, Virgo formosa, etsi oppido pauper, abunde dotata est, Rachel was so married to Jacob, and Bonaventure, in 4. sent, "denies that he so much as venially sins, that marries a maid for comeliness of person."

In 1472, one Fernando da Poo discovered the island now called after his name, beyond Cape Formosa, in lat.

I have only two or three of my people at Formosa, but just enough to look after a bachelor friend.'

'I dare say one of your fellows will be good enough to take them to Formosa for me?' Mr. Smithson gave the necessary order.

The two men were to walk up the hill to Formosa, a village with a classic portico, delightfully situated above the town.

Montesma gave a tremendous yawn as he took out his cigar-case, and he and Mr. Smithson did not say twenty words between them during the walk to Formosa, where servants were sitting up, lamps burning, a great silver tray, with brandy, soda, liqueurs, coffee, in readiness.

'Where is Smithsonmy poor, good Smithson?' 'Fast asleep in his bed at Formosa, I hope, dear Lady Kirkbank,' the Cuban answered, with perfect sang froid.

"We shall cross the equator before we enter another bay; then, in the parallel of 3° south, lies the Bay of Formosa, on the coast of Zanguebar; and 4° nearer south, is the little island of Zanzibar.

Here are the Seychelle Isles almost in the latitude of Formosa Bay; suppose we ''bout ship' and look in upon them.

A look for example at Formosa in the years after 1948 will certainly help in an understanding of this situation: analogous tensions developed between the new refugees, the old Chinese immigrants, and the native Formosan population.

FORMOSA, iii. 443; v. 209.

Formosa, Historical and Geographical Description of, iii.

Along the whole coast, from the river of Formosa or Benin to that of Old Calabar, about 300 miles in length, there open into the Atlantic its successive estuaries, which navigators have scarcely been able to number.

Taking this coast as the base of the triangle or Delta, and its vertex at Kirree, about 170 miles inland, where the Formosa branch separates, we have a space of upwards of 25,000 square miles, equal to the half of England.

101 examples of  formosa  in sentences