445 examples of formulated in sentences

Doctrine is spiritual truth, formulated in a systematic way.

The rules for these world's series were formulated and adopted upon the suggestion and by the advice of Mr. Brush and since a regular world's series season has been a feature of Base Ball the national game has progressed with even greater strides than was the case in the past.

Not that he ever formulated the theory in words, but he vaguely felt it and adhered to it.

He formulated the strategical methods and teachings of Napoleon, and in his book Vom Krieg (published 1832) not only outlined a greater military Germany, but laid the basis, it has been said, of all serious study in the art of war.

I hope to show that the English critics who formulated theories of poetry in the renaissance derived much of their critical terminology, not directly from the rediscovered classical theories of poetry, but through various channels from classical theories and practice of rhetoric.

The Rhetorical Period of English Criticism Spingarn has carefully traced the introduction of the theories of poetry formulated by the Italian critics into England at the end of the sixteenth century.

This law of decorum was formulated by Horace in his Ars Poetica,[207] whence it was derived by the renaissance.

As will be shown, such a definition of poetry was not formulated previous to the renaissance.

The same definition, derived as Spingarn has shown from the same sources, was formulated by Varchi.

2. The Influence of the Classical Rhetorics A more explicit influence on the renaissance belief that the function of poetry is to improve social morality is readily seen in the definitions of poetry which have already been quoted from Lombardus and Varchi, who formulated their definitions of poetry by combining Aristotle's definition of tragedy with his definition of rhetoric.

Thus by the end of the sixteenth century, the Italian critics had formulated a logical and self-consistent theory of the purpose of poetry.

It may be noted, that while laws had been carefully formulated for the conduct of such trials, almost every one of them was flagrantly violated on the present occasion in order to ensure a pre-arranged condemnation.

He formulated nothing; concluded nothing; he rejected every conjecture which temporarily constructed itself in his almost passive mind.

The evolution philosophy was long accepted before it became a doctrine or was formulated into a philosophy.

After several years of diligent study, he discovered and formulated the essential laws of all art; and, thanks to him, æsthetic science in our day has the same precision as mathematical science.

The remark suggested to me by memory seemed all the more interesting because it formed in a new order of facts a flagrant opposition to the opinion formulated by my masters under the title of theory.

We have a number of these articles of inquiry formulated by archbishops or bishops.

The origin of matter and of life is so absolutely unknown that scientists have not as yet formulated definite theories concerning it.

Doubtless many of the customs thus formulated by Moses had come down through the preceding ages from the Babylonian and common Semitic ancestors of the Hebrews.

The Hebrew laws given in the Old Testament are generally known as the laws of Moses, and the assumption of many readers in earlier years has been that the different codes were practically formulated by Moses himself.

In the early days of Greek history, the laws of Solon and Draco were formulated.

In some instances, doubtless, many of the laws were actually formulated under the direction of the person to whom they are ascribed; but in many others, as perhaps in the case of the Mosaic code, there was some great judge or king under whose direction certain principles were laid down and simple laws or precedents established, and as a result all later developments were ascribed to him.

This class legislation was doubtless existent to a certain extent even when the laws, supposed to be of divine origin, were formulated by prophets and priests, for the real public character of the laws was dependent primarily upon the unselfish beliefs, social and religious, of the writers, whether kings or priests.

He it was who formulated in a positive faith the wholesome reaction, which he and his kinsmen felt against the gross polytheism of Egypt.

To sum up what has been said, with borrowings from what others have said on the subject, the following general rules have been formulated: Prepare carefully.

445 examples of  formulated  in sentences