445 examples of formulates in sentences

However, with the advent of the early heresies, it became necessary to formulate prayers witnessing the divinity of Christ and His equality in all things to the Father and the Holy Ghost.

" And Dr. Rohrbach formulates the political goal with startling precision.

Sir Edward Grey emphasized in his speech of July 27th the shortness of the time which all the Powers had had at their disposal to formulate a plan, by which the conflict could be restricted to the East, or amicably settled.

A desperate resolve began to formulate itself in the brain of Peaches Austin.

You would be driven to formulate a simple, intelligible rule or measure, and leave that rule to be applied by the unfettered judgment of innumerable men to individual problems, as and when they arose.

In the second part of the same book Mr. Spencer undertakes to formulate the laws of the Knowable.

For instance, a citizen desiring legislation on any matter may formulate a bill for consideration by the legislature.

The difficulty is to formulate a rule that shall not unnecessarily abridge commercial freedom but shall still have due regard to national defense.

The pleasant interpretations mediocrity formulates of the universe are torn to tatters.

" Raymond seemed sincerely unable to formulate a judgment.

I'll answer any queries you can formulate.

There was no use trying; the time was too short; it was a physical impossibility to formulate an intelligent proposition in such a short length of time.

When he was again in the Director General's room, the latter said: "I think I will have you formulate a new bid along the lines you have laid down.

As far back as 1880, a forestry commission was appointed in New Hampshire to formulate a forest policy for the State.

All the world knows that, with the exception of two or three dailies, the Italian papers are the organs of purely personal interests, ambitions, and opinions,not even of parties, which do not exist except in the form of fossil fragments; and when a journal emits an opinion or formulates a policy, everybody knows that it is the opinion or policy of the man who has a dominant or entire control of its columns.

It formulates, in effect, the oldest of all philosophical doctrines, that contained in the Upanishads of Brahma, the Enjoyer, who takes the form of a mechanically perfect universe in order to read his own law with eyes of his own creation.

Ordinance of 1787, vital to Northwest; importance of; its history; good conduct of Southern States on slavery question; provisions of ordinance; articles of compact; prohibits slavery; importance of, as state paper; formulates new departure in colonial system.

Political economy and social science cannot teach any lessons that are not embraced in the simple truths that were taught to poor fishermen and Jewish peasants by One who eighteen hundred years ago was crucifiedthe simple truths which, beneath the warpings of selfishness and the distortions of superstition, seem to underlie every religion that has ever striven to formulate the spiritual yearnings of man.

It was a tribal effort through tribal women to formulate and give importance to family life, and it must have been accepted and more or less sanctioned by the men.

"However," muttered the old man, and it was some comfort to the vague aching in his breast to formulate one fact as solid as the heights around, "it is certain that there are loups-garous.

Envious people and fools, having no knowledge of the determinations by which superior spirits are moved, seize at once on superficial inconsistencies, to formulate an accusation and so to pass sentence on them.

Dr. Gronau formulates the evidence shortly thus: Vasari in 1566 or 1567 says Titian is over 76 The Spanish Consul in 1567 " " 85 Titian himself in 1571 " he is " 95 and he adds that this new piece of evidenceviz.

By dint of a resolute will and a love that shrank from no sacrifice or exertion, she acquired such a knowledge of mathematics and calculations, mysterious as these generally seem to the feminine mind, that she was able to formulate with exactness the result of her brother's researches.

He spoke to her at once, before she had time to formulate a greeting.

J. Beck, who has written most recently upon the subject, formulates the following rules; the musical accent falls upon the tonic syllables of the words; should the accent fall upon an atonic syllable, the duration of the note to which the tonic syllable is sung may be increased, to avoid the apparent discordance between the musical accent and the tonic syllable.

445 examples of  formulates  in sentences