69 examples of forst in sentences

Faucon Pelerin, the Pilgrim Falcon,Forst.

Forst. CHAP.

E. Singui, Sigan, or Singan-fou, in the Chinese province of Shensee. Forst.

Forst This foolish story of Prester John has been explained in a former note.

E. Forst.

Forst. CHAP.

After these elucidations, there can be no reason left to doubt of the truth of this narrative of the Zenos which besides, as considered with relation to the geography of the north at that period, is of great importance Forst.

Forst. CHAP.

Forst The names are much disfigured, and the commencement of the journey is not mentioned; but, from the course afterwards, this may be some corruption for Armenia, or one of its districts.

Forst Called likewise Cimbolo, the [Greek: Symbolan Hormoos] or [Greek: lymaen], the Buluk-lawa of the moderns, or Limen.Forst.

Forst Called likewise Cimbolo, the [Greek: Symbolan Hormoos] or [Greek: lymaen], the Buluk-lawa of the moderns, or Limen.Forst.

E Moxia is the country of the Morduanians, one tribe of whom call themselves Mokscha, or Moxa.Forst.

The trembling streames which wont in chanels cleare 25 To romble gently downe with murmur soft, And were by them right tunefull taught to beare A bases part amongst their consorts oft; Now forst to overflowe with brackish teares, With troublous noyse did dull their daintie eares.

"So livest thou; but my poore wretched ghost Is forst to ferrie over Lethes river, And spoyld of Charon too and fro am tost.

The Prince, my Lord, in going downe the staires Hath forst an Axe from one of the Trevants (?), And with it (as he runnes) makes such cleare way As no man dare oppose him to his furie.


Edited by Otto Forst de Battaglia.


SEE Forst-Battaglia, Otto.

SEE Forst-Battaglia, Otto, ed. PATRICK, DIANA, pseud.


Illustrated by Siegmund Forst, with new translation by Abraham Regelson.

d. Schw. Centralanstalt f. d. forst.

Mitt. a. d. forst.

Mitt. a. d. forst.

69 examples of  forst  in sentences