51 examples of fortin in sentences

" I stepped in a stairway to count my little fortin.

God does not ask for impossibilities, as my old master, Monsieur le Curé Fortin, used to say: he was a good-natured man.

It was Monsieur Fortin who taught me that.

Yes, I know, Monsieur Fortin often repeated it.

I know it, Veronica; your behaviour is full of decency and dignity: it is well for the outside world, and as Monsieur Fortin used to say to you, we must wash our dirty linen at home.

Monsieur Fortin was accustomed to say that no one is a great man to his valet de chambre; and I add, that no one is a saint to his cook.

The Abbé Fortin? Lord God, yes, the Abbé Fortin!

No one could contest your claims, Veronica; add to that you are a worthy and cautious person, and let us return to Monsieur Fortin.

Veronica took several sips of the brandy which remained at the bottom of the cup, collected her thoughts for a moment, and casting her eyes down with a modest air, she proceeded: The good Monsieur Fortin, as perhaps you know, used to drink a little of an evening.

I asked Monsieur Fortin what a spiritual sister was, and he told me that they used formerly to call women so who lived with priests.

One evening then Monsieur Fortin had drunk at table a little more than usual.

Monsieur Fortin!

Was it not better for me to act thus, than to let Monsieur Fortin run right and left and expose himself to all sorts of affronts, as some do?

Monsieur Fortin and I often asked ourselves what evil that could do to God, when neither of us did any to other people.

Monsieur Fortin used to say to me: "Are we doing evil to our neighbours, Veronica?"

At thirty you were with the Abbé Fortin.

it was not the Abbé Fortin then? -No, Monsieur le Curé, it was the Abbé Braqueminet.

The Abbé Fortin!

Monsieur Fortin has told me.

You'll make yer fortin', Emerline!" I didn't say anything, I was so provoked.

Thus, when we were wracked in the Dawn, Neb, it was by God's will, and with a design, like, to bring us three all on to our present fortin, and present frame of mind; should I ever use the word luck, ag'in, which I may be likely enough to do from habit, you are all to understand I mean what I call Providential luck.

I was the making of your fortin, Caldigate.

It was just as though fortin had done it a purpose.

"Somebody died and left you a fortin?" inquired the other.

Neysing, Fortin, Calzada and Fruita.

51 examples of  fortin  in sentences