36961 examples of four in sentences

At the depth of thirty-two feet, then, any marine animal is under the pressure of two atmospheres,that of the air which surrounds our globe, and of a weight of water equal to it; at sixty-four feet he is under the pressure of three atmospheres, and so on,the weight of one atmosphere being always added for every thirty-two feet of depth.

I counted one, two, three, four, five, and resolved to rise immediately.

Strictly speaking, only about four-tenths of a cubic inch of potash holds this enormous power in connection with it so as to form a cubic inch of saltpetre, which we may handle and bruise, may melt and cool, dissolve and crystallize, without explosion or change.

If the gases escaped from combination simply, they would exert for every cubic inch of saltpetre, as we have here considered it, the direct power of 12,000 lbs.; but under the new conditions, the volume of escaping gas has a temperature above 2,000° Fahrenheit, and consequently its force in overcoming resistance is more than four times as great, or at least 48,000 lbs.

For three days this wind continued to blow, and the Persians lost four hundred warships, many transports and provision craft, myriads of men, and an enormous amount of matériel.

But so it was, and Waterloo would have been a French victory, and Wellington where Henry was when he ran against Eclipse,nowhere,if the rain that fell so heavily on the 17th of June had been postponed only twenty-four hours.

As the battle was necessarily fought in the afternoon, because of the softness of the soil consequent on the heavy rains of the preceding day and night, there was time gained for the arrival of Bülow's corps by four o'clock of the afternoon of the 18th.

Had it occurred twenty-four hours later, the destinies of the world might, and most probably would, have been completely changed; for Waterloo was one of those decisive battles which dominate the ages through their results, belonging to the same class of combats as do Marathon, Pharsalia, Lepanto, Blenheim, Yorktown, and Trafalgar.

For the following three or four days the two unfortunates were worked unceasingly.

I kept my course, however, until at four o'clock, when night was coming rapidly up to lend a hand to the fog, I was fain to confess myself lost.

The location is in an out-of-the-way neighborhood, three or four miles from the little, old, tumble-down county seat.

For want of money the enterprise comes to a stand, and now for these four years the stranded structure has been taking damage from the storms.

Four of our Straight University girls presented themselves, three graduates and one an undergraduate, and all passed the examination, receiving respectively 94, 93, 92 and 87 per cent., and three were at once given good positions.

Four and a half millions of Negroes in our Southern States are utterly illiterate.

She has four {164} small children with her, the eldest of whom is eleven years old, who are dependent upon her for support.

What are the four grand divisions of its work, and where are its various fields of operations?

I am confident that our regular four weekly meetings and the regular monthly meetings are all they can attend, yet they need others.

Others divide it into Four, viz.

There are ten Demarches in Fencing; four in advancing, five in retiring, and one to turn your Adversary, or hinder him from turning you.

You must take notice, that in a Pass in Quarte with it's Joining, there are but three Steps, and that in the Passes in Tierce and Seconde there are four.

If on a Pass or Lunge the Enemy shou'd attempt to join or seize your Sword, you must, in order to prevent him, change it from the Right-hand to the Left, four Inches from the Guard, as I have already observed, seizing his with the Right-hand, and presenting him the Point, holding it at such a Length as to hit him whilst he is unable to come near you.

Those who hold the Sword in both Hands, that is to say, the Handle in the Right-hand, and the Blade about four Fingers Breadth in the Left, will either engage, or beat on your Sword, with great Force, or stick to a strong Parade, in order to uncover you the more, in Favour of their Thrust.

The four of us sat as solemn as statuesI don't think one of us smiled.

We came just in an ordinary way about four o'clock.

Beat the yolks of four eggs with one small cup of sugar, grated rind of lemon and half its juice.

36961 examples of  four  in sentences