98 examples of foxe in sentences

Foxe, foxe, come out of your hole.

Foxe, foxe, come out of your hole.

For th'Ape was stryfull and ambicious, And the Foxe guilefull and most covetous; That neither pleased was to have the rayne Twixt them divided into even twaine,

He then, to prove whether his powre would pas As currant, sent the Foxe to them streight way, 1095 Commaunding them their cause of strife bewray; And, if that wrong on eyther side there were, That he should warne the wronger to appeare The morrow next at court, it to defend;

So, standing by the gates in strange disguize, He gan enquire of some in secret wize, Both of the King, and of his government, And of the Foxe, and his false blandishment:

The wicked weed which there the Foxe did lay From underneath his head he tooke away, And then him, waking, forced up to rize.

But the false Foxe, when he the Lion heard, Fled closely forth, streightway of death afeard, 1360

Then all the beasts he causd' assembled bee, To heare their doome, and sad ensample see: The Foxe, first author of that treacherie He did uncase, and then away let flie.

The best result of this imprisonment was that it gave Bunyan long hours for the working of his peculiar mind and for study of his two only books, the King James Bible and Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

SEE Foxe, John.

SEE Fox, Dixon Ryan. FOXE, JOHN.


FOXE, ARTHUR N. Auscultation of the abdomen, completion of the method of Laennec.

Arthur N. Foxe (A); 30Jul59; R240319. Garbo.

Arthur N. Foxe (A); 30Jul59; R240320.

SEE Fox, Ralph Winston FOXE, ARTHUR N. Crime and sexual development; movement and fixation of the libido in criminotic individuals.

Arthur N. Foxe (A); 18Nov63; R326187.

By Arthur Norman Foxe.

Arthur N. Foxe (A); 24Jul75; R609863.

© 18Nov29; A14919. Grosset & Dunlap, inc. (PWH); 11Jul57; R195313. FOXE, ARTHUR N. Dilettantism.

Arthur N. Foxe (A); 12Sep57; R198762. <pb id='271.png' n='1957h2/A/1577' />

Arthur N. Foxe (A); 12Sep57; R198761.

By Arthur Norman Foxe.

Arthur N. Foxe (A); 24Jul75; R609863.

Such, for instance, are the lines in the May eclogue: Tho opened he the dore, and in came The false Foxe, as he were starke lame.

98 examples of  foxe  in sentences