475 examples of fracture in sentences

" <Break, fracture>.

In these respects it differs from fracture, as also in the fact that it may designate a mere interruption.

Furthermore it has figurative uses, whereas fracture is narrowly literal.

"There was a fracture in the chain of mountains."

"The fracture of the bones of his wrist incapacitated him."

"The fracture of the rope.

<Break, crack, fracture, sever, rend, burst, smash, shatter, shiver, splinter, sunder, rive, crush, batter, demolish, rupture>.

(After discriminating these terms for yourself, see the treatment of break, fracture under <Break, fracture> above under Parallels.) Sentences: " my timbers!"

(After discriminating these terms for yourself, see the treatment of break, fracture under <Break, fracture> above under Parallels.) Sentences: " my timbers!"

The chick makes a circular fracture at the big end of the egg, and a section of about one-third of the length of the shell being separated, delivers the prisoner, provided there is no obstruction from adhesion of the body to the membrane which lines the shell.

Weakness from cold may disable the chicken from commencing the operation of pecking the shell, which must then be artificially performed with a circular fracture, such as is made by the bird itself.

The simple fracture is the most common form, the bone being broken in a single place with no opening through the skin.

This fracture is more common in the bones of children.

The force of the fall on the hand often breaks the wrist, by which is meant the fracture of the lower end of the radius, often known as the "silver-fork fracture."

Sometimes bones are broken at a distance from the point of injury, as in a fracture of the ribs by violent compression of the chest; or fracture may occur from the vibration of a blow, as when a fall or blow upon the top of the head produces fracture of the bones at the base of the brain.

Sometimes bones are broken at a distance from the point of injury, as in a fracture of the ribs by violent compression of the chest; or fracture may occur from the vibration of a blow, as when a fall or blow upon the top of the head produces fracture of the bones at the base of the brain.

A trifling fall, for instance, may cause a broken hip (popularly so called, though really a fracture of the neck of the femur), from the shock of which, and the subsequent pain and exhaustion, an aged person may die in a few weeks.

In young people, however, the parts of a broken bone will knit together in three or four weeks after the fracture is reduced; while in adults, six or even more may be required for firm union.

"It looks like a fracture to me," observed Olive in her precise voice.

A simple fracture.

"I am quite satisfied with regard to the fracture," he said.

When the fracture had been set and bandaged, they travelled on together to their native town, only a few miles distant, Humplebee knowing for the first time in his life the luxury of a first-class compartment.

That iron forged is stronger than iron cast, every smith can inform him; and if it be cast in large pieces, the fracture of a single bar must be repaired by a new piece.

There was a compound fracture in addition to the dislocation.

One side of this was a good deal broken away, and through a fracture three or four feet wide the light entered freely, as if from the open air.

475 examples of  fracture  in sentences