1280 examples of fragrant in sentences

I have seen the Nigger boiling beans over a blaze of sandal wood fragrant as an Eastern shop.

"Why should you not come to 'The Willows'?" John Randolph put the question one afternoon, as they were enjoying Miss Diana's hospitality in the fragrant porch.

They put in a fragrant mattress of spring moss, and on that made up a bed of blankets and furs.

It was Giles Brabblecombe singing to himself as he knelt beside a fire of twigs, and Beltane, opening sleepy eyes, looked round upon a world all green and gold and dew-bespangled; a fair world and fragrant, whose balmy air breathed of hidden flowers and blooming thickets, whence came the joyous carolling of new-waked birds; and beholding all this and the glory of it, my Beltane must needs praise God he was alive.

And lo! upon that long, white stone lay flowers a-bloom, roses and lilies whose dewy loveliness filled the place with their pure and fragrant sweetness.

And lo! upon that hallowed stone there always he found fragrant flowers, roses and lilies, new-gathered, upon whose sweet petals the dew yet sparkled, and ever his wonder grew.

"A sweet and fragrant thought, my son!" quoth he.

"As sweet, methinks, holy father, as pure and fragrant as she herself!" "'She,' my son?" "As Helen, good friar, as Helen the Beautiful, Duchess of Mortain!" "Ah!" sighed the friar, and forthwith popped the leek into the pot.

And in a while to Beltane's straining senses came the faint creak of a door, a soft rustle, the swift light tread of feet, and starting forth of his lurking place he stepped forward with yearning arms outstretchedthen paused of a sudden beholding her who stood at gaze, one slender foot advanced and white hands full of roses and lilies, one as fair, as sweet and pure as the fragrant blooms she bore.

Thus walked they in the fragrant garden until Genevra found them and sweet-voiced bid them in to sup.

And after some while she called to him very soft and sweet, and he, trembling, arose and entered the chamber, dim-lighted and fragrant.

Although we do not approve of women smoking, yet a fragrant weed between pearly teeth, with an azure cloud curling heavenward from it, has a certain fascination, and so our advice is, "Dry up (your tears), and light a fresh Havana.

Phegopteris hexagonoptera] (3) BROAD BEECH FERN Phegopteris hexagonóptera THELÝPTERIS HEXAGONÓPTERA Fronds triangular, broader than long, seven to twelve inches broad, spreading more or less horizontally at the summit of the stipe; pubescent and often glandular beneath; pinnæ fragrant, lanceolate, the lowest pair usually much larger than those above, having the segments elongated and cut into lobes.

[Illustration: The Long Beech Fern] THE FRAGRANT FERN Aspídium fràgrans.

The fragrant fern grows on high cliffs among the mountains of northern New England.

[Illustration: Fragrant Fern.

Marsh Fern Blade rather thick (subcoreaceous) mostly evergreen; Fronds small, narrow, glandular, rock species Fragrant Fern Fronds large, two or more feet high; Lower pinnæ short, broadly triangular Crested Shield Fern Lower pinnæ longer; Sori close to the margin....

The ferns of this group, not counting the small fragrant fern, prefer the woods or at least shady places.

Fragrant Shield Fern.

It seems both strange and significant to me now that this book chanced to be given me by Lavinia Dorman, mother's school friend and bridesmaid, a spinster of fifty-five, and was really the beginning of the transfer of her friendship to me, the only woman friendship that I have ever had, and its quality has that fragrant pungence that comes from sweet herbs, that of all garden odours are the most lasting.

"The fragrant brier was woven (or weaved) between."Dryden cor.

A few steps more and you are there, and beside the stream in a fragrant bed of ferns, with one hand caressing the delicate tresses of the maidenhair, and the other dipped among the ripples, you give yourself up, half dozing, to thoughts of the long ago and the far away that seem to float up from the past along the dim windings of the stream.

It was an enchanted land, the balsamic odors from the beautiful evergreen pine forests starred by the fragrant magnolia blossoms of spotless white, exorcised the ulceratic demons from throat and lungs.

Swarms of children were shooting their arrows at deer-skin targets; groups of braves, fantastically attired, lounged under the shade of the wide-spreading umbrella trees, smoking fragrant tobacco in long-stemmed pipes, but they did not deign to give the visitor even an inquiring glance.

" The birds were singing gaily, all nature smiled complacently, and he strolled over the flower-bedecked fields into the recesses of the forest, where he seated himself under a blossom-covered magnolia around which twined the fragrant jessamine.

1280 examples of  fragrant  in sentences