Do we say franc or frank

franc 300 occurrences

I've nice ones at half a franc each, Or thirty centimes, if you will.

Leaving the church by the high road, with the Convent and "Place," with its neat walks and grass plots,on the left, we proceeded to the "Panorama," where, our admiration having been tempered by the payment of a franc each, we spent an enjoyable quarter of an hour.

We bought a lithographed print of the church and its environs for half a franc, from our round-backed guide, besides depositing a "douceur" in his horny palm, and consequently parted with him on the best of terms.

There was once a Museum above the baths, this has now been removed to the splendid Casino which stands in beautiful grounds, not far from the Post and Telegraph Officeentrance I franc. Hotels.

Carriage on Hire (from the stand).The "course," 1 franc; the hour, 3 frs.

The outlaw felt in a leather pocket that hung from his belt, and took out a five-franc piece, which he had doubtless saved to buy ammunition with.

However" and he drew a clean plate towards him and put a franc on it.

Though the Polish parties in Galicia issued declarations of loyalty to Austria at the beginning of the war, and though their franc-tireurs are fighting in the Austrian ranks, there is a growing perception of the fact that the only serious prospect of attaining Polish Unity lies in a Russian victory.

Franc. Belforist.

Graves I have seen priced at 50 centimes, Barsac at 60, and eau de vie is plentiful at 1 franc 20!

When the transaction was completed and Grand'mere Gomard had exchanged the tree, with a sheet of La Patrie wrapped round its pot, for a franc and our thanks, the interest increased.

A two-franc tree, had Grand'mere possessed one, would have been Brobdignagian and pretentious.

With true Suabian dignity he refused a five franc piece which I offered him as a slight remuneration for the trouble he had taken, and as he seemed, I thought, rather offended at the offer, I felt myself bound to apologize.

The crier's business is to announce to all whom it may concern that the animal is to be killed this very evening, and that its flesh will be sold to-morrow at 1 franc 25 centimes the kilo.

All the buttons of my great coat were twenty-franc pieces; I gave him one: he asked if they had brought the wine, and soon afterwards I heard a turnkey say, "Father Moiselet, I have taken up two bottles for you."

At another place where I put down a gold piece the waiter seized it as though it were a rare and wonderful thing, and then gave me all my change in paper, made up of new five franc notes issued by the Government.

(Little blue book, no. 495) © 5Jun24, A777283. R87800, 29Dec51, Haldeman-Julius Co. (PWH) <pb id='161.png' /> VON PHUL, RUTH FRANC, joint ed.


SEE Le Franc, Marie.

SEE Le Franc, Marie.

It might be that while he lay tossing in bed she was somewhere near, dying for want of a franc.

La Brocquière écrit en militaire, d'un style franc et loyal qui annonce de la véracité et inspire la confiance; mais il écrit avec négligence et abandon; de sorte que ses matières n'ont pas toujours un ordre bien constant, et que quelquefois il commence à raconter un fait dont la suite se trouve à la page suivante.

J'y fis connoissance d'un marchand de Venise, nommé Aubert Franc, qui m'accueillit bien et qui me procura sur mes deux pélerinages des renseignemens utiles dont je profitai.

Ceux ci, quand ils surent que j'étois logé chez un Franc, vinrent me trouver pour me demander de leur procurer du vin.

n'auroient osé en boire devant les leurs; mais ils espéroient le faire sans risque chez un Franc, et cependant ils revenoient de la

frank 15165 occurrences

" She gave a shrill cry of delight, and in the frank, sweet way of the Tahitian girl replied: "We will run away to-morrow morning.

Mr. Frank Head was cashier of that old Merchant and Planters Bank.

" Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Frank Wise, 1006 Victory Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 81 to 85 Birth and Parents

"His name is Frank," he said, his imagination being slow to start.

"Sell good old Frank?"

"Well, Frank is his right name, only my little sister calls him George sometimes, and I get mixed.

and he's afraid of Frank and mebbe he'll just kind of clear his throat or something on account of feeling nervous and not meaning anything, but Frank'll think he's growling, and that settles it.

"Let's see the money!" He saw it, and the prodigy, Frank, sometimes called George by the owner's little sister, had a new master.

He didn't want good old Frank to eat another dog right on the street.

It was a scene of Babylonian profligacyeven the late owner of Frank joined in the revel full-spiritedly, and it endured to a certain moment of icy realization, suffered by the host.

Frank capered at his side, ever and again looking up brightly at his new master.

Opposite the Mansion House, Newbern's chief hotel, Frank gave signal proof of his intelligence.

But he knew that Boodles was a fighter, and Frank ate them up.

He commanded Boodles to go back, but though he had slowed his pace and now halted a dozen feet from Frank, the cannibal, Boodles showed that he was not going back until he had some better reason.

Frank A. Patterson.

SEE Ashbrook, Frank G. MOLNAR, FERENC.


by Frank Crowninshield.

SEE Morgan, Frank M. FOLEY, MARTHA.

SEE Lankes, J. J. FOWLE, FRANK F., ed.

FREEMAN, FRANK S. Psychology and education.

SEE Connolly, James B. GILBERT, FRANK B. Criminal law and practice of the State of New York.

Frances B. Fox (A); 23Mar61; R272963. FRANK, LEONHARD.

<pb id='057.png' /> FRANK, NATHANIEL H. Introduction to theoretical physics.

SEE Slater, John C. FRANK, ORLIN D. Teacher's guidebook.

Do we say   franc   or  frank