1853 examples of francs in sentences

It contained seven banknotes for ten thousand francs each, money that it had been my delight to lend him from time to time.

"Fifty thousand francs.

" "Certainly," agreed the lady, "whatever you like, five francs, ten francs.

" "Certainly," agreed the lady, "whatever you like, five francs, ten francs.

" "Five francs is quite enough," replied Alice, to Mother Bonneton's great disgust.

When madam offered twenty francs, I thought it my duty to let you know."

"Twenty francs!" muttered the guileless Bonneton.

And with all dispatch he entered the Southern tower, where the great bourdon hangs, whispering: "Twenty francs!

Tell the old sacristan I have sent you on an errandfor another twenty francs.

Of course Vidocq soon gets partners in sin, and on the same day that he has been detected by the living evidence of two fowls which he had stolen, he sweeps from the dinner table ten forks and as many spoons, pawns them for 150 francs, spends the money in a few hours, and is imprisoned four days.

He is then released; one of his pals gives a false alarm to Vidocq's mother, and during her temporary absence, Vidocq enters his home with a false key, steals 2,000 francs from a strong chest, with which he escapes to Ostend, (intending to embark for America,) where he is decoyed by a soi-disant ship-broker, and loses all his ill-gotten wealth.

Francine did not at first comprehend why I had expended three hundred francs, to return at the end of four months to prison.

For six francs, a prisoner, who was also a turnkey, procured us two files, a ripping chisel, and two turnscrews.

he'll spend a hundred francs here with me in a week for drinks.

Butscher added many francs to my bill by pouring me another bottle of Pol Roger, 1905, which after several days of cocoanut juice took on added delight.

The kid was 'is sister's only child, an' 'is uncle left a thousand francs with the American consul for a proper tombstone on 'is grave in the cemetery.

Perhaps he did not foresee the fatal issue of his trial; some of his friends say that he even wished it to take place immediately, that he might have an opportunity to contradict a report that Louis had presented him with half a million of francs, on his departure for Besançon.

I must have an income of a hundred thousand francs, fully and satisfactorily secured to me in land, before I leave France; and this is a mere trifle compared with what I have a legal right to demand from the King.

"Our contract is, to be conducted to Rome for the sum of twenty francs each, say 20f.

Through the influence of an Italian gentleman, secretary to Bartolini, the American Consul, whom we met, they agreed to take us for forty-five francs, on deck, the price of the Neapolitan boat being thirty.

Rather than stay two days longer in the dull town, we went again to the latter Company's office and offered them forty-five francs to go that day in their boat.

This has not been favorable to our reduced circumstances, for we have, now but twenty francs each, left, to take us to Paris.

Owing to a day's delay in Marseilles, we had left that city with but fifteen francs each; the incessant storms of winter and the worn-out state of our shoes, which were no longer proof against water or mud, prolonged our journey considerably, so that by starting before dawn and walking till dark, we were only able to make thirty miles a day.

By good or bad luck (I have not yet decided which) a vehicle was to start the next morning for Auxerre, distant sixty miles, and the fare being but five francs, we thought it wisest to take places.

After waiting an hour in a hotel beside the rushing Yonne, a lumbering diligence was got ready, and we were given places to Paris for seven francs.

1853 examples of  francs  in sentences