15794 examples of franker in sentences

Bruce suddenly stood up, and a franker, more manly expression came into his face.

He was a little franker than usual.

There is far franker criticism of militarism in Germany than there is of reactionary Toryism in this country, and it is more free to speak its mind.

For never was there a franker heart; nor a man so ready to accuse himself.

Franker and bolder grown in ill, He daily poisons dares instil; And, as his present views suggest, Inflames or soothes the royal breast.

This was attributable, doubtless, to the franker and clearer exhibition by General Lee, in his latter years, of that extraordinary gentleness and sweetness, culminating in devoted Christian piety, whichconcealed from all eyes, in some degree, during the warnow plainly revealed themselves, and were evidently the broad foundation and controlling influences of his whole life and character.

The cat, an animal of franker appetites, preserves his independence.

Oh, how much franker it would have been to yield to force than to lend himself to its dishonouring compromises!

and so profoundly that he managed not merely to evade the proffered hand of the shy Hiram, but to only lightly touch the franker and more impulsive fingertips of the gentle Zaidee.

"I could not expect any one to be franker with me than he was.

There was no franker or more sympathetic companion for young men of his own age than he; but his conversation fell from his lips as unsullied as his soul.

Mr. Frank Head was cashier of that old Merchant and Planters Bank.

" Interviewer: Samuel S. Taylor Person interviewed: Frank Wise, 1006 Victory Street, Little Rock, Arkansas Age: 81 to 85 Birth and Parents

After a time the day would come again, would look with franker eyes upon this scene of horror.

And as, so it seemed to her, the sympathetic relations and understanding between them grew, she became franker, talked of her aspirationsnew-born aspirations in harmony with his life and belief.

SEE Lankes, J. J. FOWLE, FRANK F., ed.

Frances B. Fox (A); 23Mar61; R272963. FRANK, LEONHARD.

He took a frank pleasure in the death of his contemporaries, and an even franker pleasure in the deaths of his juniors.

These Englishmen are certainly a franker and simpler people than ourselves, from peer to peasant; but it may be that they owe those manly qualities to a coarser grain in their nature, and that, with a fine one in ours, we shall ultimately acquire a marble polish of which they are unsusceptible.

She was certainly, he realized, a very pretty woman, and very graceful and very amusing, and though she probably knew all about it, she was the franker and honester for her knowledge.

In society she says she is a foreigner, but with me she is franker, and I know that she speaks Russian perfectly.

Nothing could be franker and more open than his way and manner in saying this; and as he was trained to keenness of observation, he may have detected the flitting smile that just hovered on Bart's lips.

Veuillot, franker and more open, scorned such masks, unhesitatingly admitted the tyranny of the ultramontaine doctrines and confessed, with a certain compunction, the pitiless yoke of the Church's dogma.

But now my comrade approached me, aglow with social excitement, and, with a franker look in his eyes than he had before shown, addressed me: "Mein lieber Herr Professor, we have had a good ramble together and talked about many things.

No franker sign of their love had ever passed between them.

15794 examples of  franker  in sentences