187 examples of française in sentences

Vous ne devez pas oublier que la population française est une de celles qui ont le plus souffert.

Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH:

Je supplie le conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française....

Peas à la Française.

Mutton Kidneys à la Française.

Green Peas à la Française.

Histoire de la Révolution Française, (1789-1799,) Par THÉOD.

It was a hideous place, as all dressing-rooms are which are never used two days in succession by the same actress or singer; very different from the pretty cells in the beehive of the Comédie Française where each pensioner or shareholder is lodged like a queen bee by herself, for years at a time.


But on the walls of the Rue Drouot many more proclamations were to be seen. "RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE.

A poet, whose verses were received at the Comédie Française with enthusiasm during the siege, managed to get away, thanks to an official on the Northern Railway, who lent him his coat and cap.

Las Papillôtos de JACQUES JASMIN, de l'Académie d'Agen, Maître ès Jeux-Floraux, Grand Prix de l'Académie Française.

According to the usual custom, in the year 1827, a scholar of the École des Beaux Arts in Paris, having achieved the distinguished honor of being named Grand Pensionnaire of Architecture for that year,was sent to the Académie Française in the Villa Medici at Rome, to pursue his studies there for five years at the expense of the Government.

They have forced the mayor and aldermen to resign, have formed a provisional city government à la Française, and have ordered me and half a dozen other fellows to leave town in forty-eight hours, under pain of sudden death.

Combien d'heures nous avons passés ensemble, causant, toujours causant, dans votre belle maison de Fontainebleau, si française avec sa terrasse en pierre et son jardin avec ses gazons maigres et ses allées sablonneuses qui serpentent parmi les grands arbres forestiers.

EXAMPLES Un bon garçon, Une petite femme, A good boy, a little woman, the le jeune homme, les chevaux young man, the black horses, noirs, l'école française, la the French school, the round table ronde, la porte ouverte, table, the open door, an un livre excellent.

Histoire de la littérature française illustrée.

SEE Histoire de la littérature française illustrée.

Histoire de la littérature française illustrée.

SEE Histoire de la littérature française illustrée.

SEE Neuhof, Harold. HISTOIRE de la littérature française illustrée, publiée sous la direction de Joseph Bedier et Paul Hazard.

God tempers the Wind, &c.The French proverb, "A brebis tondue Dieu mesure le vent" (God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb), will be found in Quitard's Dictionnaire étymologique, historique et anecdotique, des Proverbes, et des Locutions proverbiales de la Langue française, 8vo.

Histoire de la Langue et de la Littérature française.

Abolished by the National Convention of 1793, re-established in 1795, reformed by the first Napoleon in 1803, and remodelled in 1816 on the restoration of the Bourbons, the Académie Française, despite its changes of fortune, name, and government, is a liberal and splendid institution.

Hashas anything been discovered?" "Yesit has been discovered at the Académie Française that Mademoiselle Hortense Dufresnoy has written the best poem on Thermopylæ.

187 examples of  française  in sentences