5 examples of fraxinellas in sentences

If the court had its clustering noisettes, and fraxinellas, and sweetbriar, and great tall white lilies, the moorland had its little creeping scented rose, its straggling honeysuckle, and an abundance of yellow cistus; and here and there a gray rock cropped out of the ground, and over it the yellow stone-crop and scarlet-leaved crane's-bill grew luxuriantly.

See "Dictamnus" and "Fraxinella.

Height, 1-1/2 ft. to 2 ft. Dictamnus (Burning Bush).See "Fraxinella." Dielytra Spectabilis (Venus's Car, Bleeding Heart, or Lyre Flower).One of the most elegant hardy perennials for forcing for table decorations, or cutting for vases.

Height, 2-1/2 ft. Fraxinella (Dictamnus).This ornamental hardy perennial is commonly known as the Burning Bush.

256 Cassia marilandica Maryland Cassia l. 257 Dictamnus rubra Fraxinella c.m

5 examples of  fraxinellas  in sentences