47 examples of freeman's in sentences

Bits of family history were freely given to her too, such as Betty Freeman's confidential report on her mother's absence, that she dyed her silk waist, and it streaked, and she dyed it againand just as soon as she could get it dry, she would comestreaks or no streaksand would Pearl please not be in a hurry to begin.

Oh, do not my spirit smother, Making me a wretched slave; God of mercy, God of mercy, Let me fill a freeman's grave!

To the slave, the affections are the bright spots in his wilderness of sorrow and care; and as an Arab loves the oasis the better that it is in the midst of the desert, so the slave centers the whole strength of his nature in his loved ones, the more so that he is shut out from the hopes of wealth, the longings of ambition, and the excitements of a freeman's life.

Though once a slave he had a freeman's soul, and richly merited that freedom which England so righteously gave to her West Indian slaves some years ago.

" The following from Thomas Freeman's Epigrams, 1614, is not out of its place OF THOMAS NASH.

For fuller treatment see Green, ch. 1; Traill, vol. 1; Ramsey's Foundations of England; Turner's History of the Anglo-Saxons; Freeman's Old English History; Allen's Anglo-Saxon England; Cook's Life of Alfred; Asser's Life of King Alfred, edited by W.H. Stevenson; C. Plummer's Life and Times of Alfred the Great; E. Dale's National Life and Character in the Mirror of Early English Literature; Rhys's Celtic Britain.

Jewett's Story of the Normans (Stories of the Nations Series); Freeman's Short History of the Norman Conquest; Hutton's King and Baronage (Oxford Manuals of English History).

Mrs. Freeman's maid keeps company with my brother Jameshe's in the stables at Freeman's, you know, Lady Maryand she asked me in to look at the trousseau two days before the wedding.

Already there is a tone in the Freeman's Journal which I could not have believed would be adopted towards men like Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Morley, who have identified themselves heart and soul with Ireland.

Excellent, too, were Mrs. Freeman's Alister, and Sir Claud Alexander's Young Rosebery, Olden Times, Abbess, and Wee Mac of Adel, Mrs. Wilmer's Jean, and Mr. Millar's Prince Donard.

The freeman's time was his own, and therefore he was to be remunerated for the loss of it.

The freeman's time was his own, and therefore he was to be remunerated for the loss of it.

Hence they proceed with music to a large, dirty pool, called Freeman's Well, where they dismount, and draw up in a body, and then rush through the mud as fast as they can.

The damsel was a freeman's daughter, and was greatly loved and cherished of her mistress.

The hands all stayed on John Freeman's place and when it was over he give them the privilege of staying right on in their houses.

As I reverently handled it, I was thrilled by the thought that from this insignificant little seed sprang the great national organ, the Freeman's Journal; the Press of the United Irishmen; the Nation of the Young Irelanders; the United Ireland of the Land League; the Irish World and the Boston Pilot of the American Irish; and the Irish Independent, the first half-penny Dublin morning paper, and the most widely circulated of Irish journals.

At home in Ireland the name of Gray is inseparably associated with the Freeman's Journal.

A handy digest of this work is contained in his small History of the United States, published as one of the volumes in "Freeman's Historical Course for Schools."

1.00 Free Baptist, Minneapolis .................... w .90 2.50 Freeman's Jour., N.Y. (F.P. 1.00) .......

The state of nature of the savage in the woods, which our fathers once thought a pattern, bore some outward resemblance to a freeman's life; but such a condition is rather one of private independence than of the grounded social right that democracy contemplates.

what is its iconoclasm of image and altar, of prayer-book and ritual, of the Councils and the Fathers, but the assertion of the noble dignity in each individual soul by virtue of which it demands a freeman's right of audience, a son's right of presence with his father, and believes that such is God's way with his own?

[Sidenote: First battle of Freeman's Farm, 1777.]

Freeman's Farm, battles of.

Freeman's well-meant remarks would have seemed elementary to an audience of school-children.

Mr. Boyer returned with my mamma, and I remained at Mrs. Freeman's.

47 examples of  freeman's  in sentences