6 examples of freet in sentences

But the barn here, would not like, at these hours, just goin' to her bed, to hear tell of freets and boggarts.

it mun be a dream, for ye know there's na sic a thing as a bo or a freet in a' the world.

What it wer he could not think; but he never consayted there was a freet or a bo thereaway; so he kep near it, watching every spang and turn it took, till it ran into the gripe by the roadside.

After some colloquy, she dismissed her very coolly, remarking, "'Deed, freet's dear sin' I sauld freet in streets o' Aberdeen."

After some colloquy, she dismissed her very coolly, remarking, "'Deed, freet's dear sin' I sauld freet in streets o' Aberdeen."

I sauld freet in streets o'

6 examples of  freet  in sentences