436 examples of freres in sentences

It was "Union" which the "prancing proconsuls" of an earlier timethe Freres, the Shepstones, and the Lanyonstried to force upon the Dutch.

Not so much noise, my worthy freres, You'll disturb the Abbot at his prayers.

That of Frere, by Chantry, is very spirited.

On one wall was written, "Il faut mourir, mon frere; mon frere il faut mourir, quand il plaira à Dieu".

familyIsaac D'Israeli's early works"Flim-Flams"Birth of Benjamin D'IsraeliProjected periodical the "Institute"The "Miniature"Murray's acquaintance with Canning and Frere CHAPTER III MURRAY AND CONSTABLEHUNTER AND THE FORFARSHIRE LAIRDSMARRIAGE OF JOHN MURRAY Archibald Constable & Co.

" By means of this transaction Murray had the sagacity to anticipate an opportunity of making friends of Canning and Frere, who were never tired of eulogizing the spirit and enterprise of the young Fleet Street publisher.

If Blackwood would only keep out these personal attacks, Murray would take care to send him articles by Mr. Frere, Mr. Barrow, and others, which would enhance the popularity and respectability of the publication.

These defunct freres are embalmed, arrayed in their peculiar habits, as when living; and in the vaults of their monastic churches or chapels, ranged upright in niches formed for this purpose.

0 3 6 Shoes for the mores dawnsars, the frere and mayde Maryan at 7d.

PREVOST, JEAN. Lee freres Bouquinquant.

Les freres Bouquinquant.

Freres bourgeois mourez-vous.

Joseph et ses freres, t. 4 NM: translation.

Les Freres Karamazov.

PREVOST, JEAN. Lee freres Bouquinquant.

Les freres Bouquinquant.

Freres bourgeois mourez-vous.

Joseph et ses freres, t. 4 NM: translation.

Les Freres Karamazov.

But the sincerity of these musical politics is not always to be relied on: a popular air is caught and echoed with avidity; and whether the words be "Peuple Francais, peuple de Freres," ["Brethren."]or

But the sincerity of these musical politics is not always to be relied on: a popular air is caught and echoed with avidity; and whether the words be "Peuple Francais, peuple de Freres," ["Brethren."]or

A very extensive RANGE OF SHOALS and ISLETS was seen by M. Tregrosse, of the French brig Les Trois Freres, in company with the brig Jessie, in 1821, according to the subjoined account.

On our left was a party composed of a captain, his wife and two other freres d'armes.

what speke ye here in myn eeres? Tell us no clerge I hold you of the freres.

Actuellement que cette exécrable guerre est terminée, que les mânes de nos freres sont satisfaits, je vais guerir.

436 examples of  freres  in sentences