216 examples of fretful in sentences

IO Rosa, don't be fretful with me now!

Cross, fretful, peevish, petulant, pettish, irritable, irascible, angry.

Aboard the battleship, the British tars, who had become fretful at the delay, were happy at the thought of getting back into active service.

If any one fretted him in his somewhat fretful convalescence, it was this grenadier member of the household, who since Blossy's marriage had endeavored to fill the vacant post of "guardeen angel.

Ah, why has death so long delay'd To wrap me in his friendly shade, Left me to wander thus alone, When all my heart held dear is gone! But let me check these fretful sighs Well may the base above me rise, When yonder planets as they run Mount in the sky above the sun.

She seemed excited and almost fretful, and before we had been half an hour at home had greeted me with a string of complaints which, on her own showing, seemed frivolous, and argued as much temper on her part as customary petulance on that of others.

It was something new to see a fretful or fretted expression upon Marjorie's lips, but it was certainly there to-night and Miss Prudence saw it; it might be also in her eyes, but, if it were, the uneasy eyelids were at this moment concealing it.

He was impatient, and fretful to-night, because I did not at once agree to go with him on Thursday.

It is fretful and restless; and sudden fits of crying and occasional starting from sleep, with a slight tendency to vomiting, and even looseness of the bowels, are not uncommon.

In France, and in this country also, it is very much the practice to dip the liquorice-root, and other substances, into honey, or powdered sugar-candy; and in Germany, a small bag, containing a mixture of sugar and spices, is given to the infant to suck, whenever it is fretful and uneasy during teething.

It will thus frequently happen, that a few days before the mother is going to be unwell, the infant will become fretful and uneasy; its stomach will throw up the milk, and its motions will be frequent, watery, and greenish.

She would be cross and fretful anyway and complain that Esther never treated her friends with proper courtesy.

In the former case the little one is quiet and peaceful and sleeps, as it should, most of the time, especially at night; in the latter case the child is fretful and cross and requires the father to trudge it about at night much to his discomfort and loss of temper.

To be welcomed here, after the usual fretful dangling and wire-pulling in War Office anterooms and city hotelswith hills and ruined castles to walk to, a brook rippling under one's bedroom window, and all the time in the worldseemed idyllic enough.

I wish to feel right on this subject; not to be impatient, nor distrustful, nor fretful, and yet to be prepared for the worst.

The confinement made him fretful and exacting, and the old Marquise ascribed the change in his behaviour to the deplorable influence of his tutor, a "laic" recommended by one of Raymond's old professors.

"I don't know," he answered, rather cross and fretful-like, which wasn't very nice, I suppose.

The result is that they are constantly fretful and the more nervous ones tend to become refractory and unmanageable.

But this cannot go on,the thermometer is at 78 degrees in the shade,an intense and contagious stillness reigns through the house,some good genius waves a bunch of poppies near those little fretful faces, for which a frown is rather heavy artillery.

In England, say you, each of these letters would represent a pleasant family-mansion thrown open to your view,a social breakfast,a dinner of London wits,a box at the opera,or the visit of a lord, whose perfect carriage and livery astonish the quiet street in which you lodge, and whose good taste and good manners should, one thinks, prove contagious, at once soothing and shaming the fretful Yankee conceit.

They were fretful and irregular, but the big dynamo was steady.

In the sudden sweep of this vital remembrance, Claire Robson rose for a moment above the fretful drip of circumstance....

They had already passed two nights and two days on the train and the thought of putting another night in the berth, especially as it was very hot, seemed impossible, making them fretful and cross.

with a look as fretful in that direction.

The digestive organs of confirmed coffee drinkers are in a state of chronic derangement which reacts on the brain, producing fretful and lachrymose moods.

216 examples of  fretful  in sentences