1995 examples of fries in sentences


Fries and Beneke declare that a speculative knowledge of the suprasensible is impossible, and seek to base philosophy on empirical psychology; to the monism (panlogism) of the idealists Herbart opposes a pluralism, to their philosophy of becoming, a philosophy of being; Schopenhauer rejects their optimism, denying rationality to the world and the world-ground.

The Psychologists: Fries and Beneke.% Jacob Friedrich Fries (1773-1843) was born and reared at Barby, studied at Jena, and habilitated at the same university in the year 1801; he was professor at Heidelberg in 1806-16, and at Jena from 1816 until his death.

The Psychologists: Fries and Beneke.% Jacob Friedrich Fries (1773-1843) was born and reared at Barby, studied at Jena, and habilitated at the same university in the year 1801; he was professor at Heidelberg in 1806-16, and at Jena from 1816 until his death.

Fries adopts and popularizes Kant's results, while he rejects Kant's method.

The question at issue between Fries and the idealistic school therefore becomes, Is the discovery of the a priori element itself a cognition a priori or a posteriori?

Fries decides: The criticism of reason is an empirico-psychological inquiry, as in general empirical psychology forms the basis of all philosophy.

With the exception of this divergence in method Fries accepts Kant's results almost unchanged, unless we must call the leveling down which they suffer at his hands a considerable alteration.

It is only a variant mode of appearing on the part of one and the same realityso Fries remarks in opposition to the influxus physicus and the harmonia praestabilatawhich now shows me my person inwardly as my spirit, and now outwardly as the life-process of my body.

Fries's system is thus a union of Kantian positions with elements from Jacobi, in which the former experience deterioration, and the latter improvement, namely, more exact formulation.

The Catholic theologian, Georg Hermes of Bonn (1775-1831) favored a Kantianism akin to that of Fries.

The psychological view founded by Fries was consistently developed by Friedrich Eduard Beneke (1798-1854).

Besides Kant, Jacobi, and Fries, Schleiermacher, Herbart (with whom he became acquainted in 1821), and the English thinkers exerted a determining influence on the formation of his philosophy.

Beneke denies the possibility of speculative knowledge even more emphatically than Fries.

"Only around the corner to get three fries in a box, with the usual pickle and cracker trimmings, there being no restaurant close by that you would care for; then we will carry them home and have a little supper in the pantry, if your Lucy has not locked up the forks and taken the key to bed.

SEE Fries, Charles Carpenter.

FRIES, CHARLES C. Teaching and learning English as a foreign language.

Mrs. Charles C. Fries (W); 19Jun73; R554163. FRIES, MRS.

Mrs. Charles C. Fries (W); 19Jun73; R554163. FRIES, MRS.



Gezeichnet von Willy Fries.

Willy Fries (A); 21Mar63; R314094.

Harry Friedenwald (A); 8Oct71; R514907. FRIES, CHARLES C. Liberal education re-examined.

* Father Epaminond catches fish and puts them in his pocket; then, when he gets home, he takes out a fish at a time, as he wants it, and fries it.

1995 examples of  fries  in sentences