290 examples of frivolities in sentences

Like many other French frivolities, it has lately yielded to Teutonic tragedy.

any skill in the preparation of soup?" "I have condescended to none of these frivolities, O king.

In these serious walks probably he was divesting himself of many scenic and some real vanitiesweaning himself from the frivolities of the lesser and the greater theatredoing gentle penance for a life of no very reprehensible fooleries,taking off by degrees the buffoon mask which he might feel he had worn too longand rehearsing for a more solemn cast of part.

In these serious walks probably he was divesting himself of many scenic and some real vanitiesweaning himself from the frivolities of the lesser and the greater theatredoing gentle penance for a life of no very reprehensible fooleries,taking off by degrees the buffoon mask which he might feel he had worn too longand rehearsing for a more solemn cast of part.

Horace, born 65 B.C., like Virgil was also a favored man, enjoying the friendship of the great, and possessing ease, fame, and fortune; but his longings for retirement and his disgust at the frivolities around him are a sad commentary on satisfied desires.

The utter absence of sympathy among all classes given over to frivolities made Paul exceedingly lonely in Athens, and he wrote to Timothy and Silas to join him with all haste.

Frocks she had, with furs and furbelows no end; flowers and flattery and frivolities; freedom within limitations as yet not irksome; jewels that would have graced an imperial diademeverything but the single essential without which everything is hollow nothing and life itself only the dreaming of a dream.

He was the foe of all levities, all frivolities, all insidious pleasures.

Like Luther, he had no time for frivolities, and looked upon himself as commissioned to do important work.

Of course, it may beit is only fair to him to saythat Lady Mary held him temporarily at bay, preferring the frivolities of those of her own age to the austere attentions of one who acted as if he might have been her father.

His time was passed in overseeing his large estate, and in out-of-door sports, following the hounds or fishing, exchanging visits with prominent Virginia families, amusing himself with card-playing, dancing, and the social frivolities of the day.

Vendors of frivolities know better than to waste time tempting those provident people.

(Figs. 433 and 434), and especially after the death of that prince, the taste for frivolities made immense progress, and the style of dress in ordinary use seemed day by day to lose the few traces of dignity which it had previously possessed.

But as the years gathered in behind him he put off most of the frivolities of youth and held now only to the one of driving a fast horse.

"You know what I mean by character as well as I." By the time they were back of the Little Trianon, this beginning had led them naturally enough away from the frivolities of historical conversation to serious considerations, namely themselves.

When you get beyond the village, the cliff leaves off indulging in coves and harbours and such frivolities, and decides to look upon itself seriously as a giant wall against a giant sea.

His frivolities ended in an arrest and punishment which sobered him with the abruptness of a plunge into a stream of ice.

In its details, however, the extravagancies of the middle ages, and the often elegant frivolities of the cinque cento period, have been avoided, and the breadth and simplicity of Greek models have still been followed.

And while not for a moment would I seem to be criticizing anybody, I hope before long to see you settling down, with some fine solid fellow, and forsaking these empty frivolities for the higher and real pleasures of life.

And could you get from his wife a sincere answer, it would be"Like you, I am sick of these frivolities; but then, we must get our daughters married."

A host of satirists, led on by Thackeray, have been for years engaged in bringing our sham-festivities, and our fashionable follies, into contempt; and in their candid moods, most men laugh at the frivolities with which they and the world in general are deluded.

If the energies now going into business, sport, social events, frivolities, make-believe and the deliberate destruction of waste and war could be directed to planning, utilizing, beautifying on the circumferences and at the centers of population concentrations, immense forward strides could be taken in a single generation.

For instance, when Clara proposed to make her comfortable for life by settling upon her fifty thousand dollars, she replied peremptorily that it was far too much for an old woman who had decided to turn her back on the frivolities of society, and she could with difficulty be brought to accept twenty thousand.

Now, similar 'softening of the heart' was the result of the teaching in the Australian Bora: the Yao mysteries inculcate the victory over self; and, till we are admitted to the secrets of all other savage mysteries throughout the world, we cannot tell whether, among mummeries, frivolities, and even license, high ethical doctrines are not presented under the sanction of religion.

And it is by their fopperies and their frivolities that we know that their sinister philosophy is sincere; in their lights and garlands and ribbons we read their indwelling despair.

290 examples of  frivolities  in sentences