6 examples of frize in sentences

The reader will bear in mind that the enclosed space around the stand was surrounded by a kind of chevaux de frize, six feet in height, so that the animal had not the least chance of escape, and the work of destruction of course went rapidly on.

"Friz, to curl; frized, curled; frizing, curling.

[FORMULENot proper, because the words "frized" and "frizing" are here spelled with the single z, of their primitive friz.

I pretended to be convinced, of course, but I devoted myself to the Comtesse de Frize, and I think she liked me all the better for my defection.

It being a very cold Day when he made his Will, he left for Mourning, to every Man in the Parish, a great Frize-Coat, and to every Woman a black Riding-hood.

The Coffin was carried by Six of his Tenants, and the Pall held up by Six of the Quorum: The whole Parish follow'd the Corps with heavy Hearts, and in their Mourning Suits, the Men in Frize, and the Women in Riding-Hoods.

6 examples of  frize  in sentences