26 examples of from my point of view in sentences

"It ain't any easy job, figger as you will," Sergeant Corney said, when I had put the situation before him from my point of view.

It was also desirable, from my point of view, that the resolution should contain a declaration in favor of the equality of nations or one which would prevent the establishment of an oligarchy of the Great Powers, and another declaration which would give proper place to the administration of legal justice in international disputes.

The provision as to arbitration in the President's original draft of a Covenant was so wrong from my point of view and showed such a lack of knowledge of the practical side of the subject that I was impelled to make an effort to induce him to change the provision.

from my point of view the result was deplorable.

"There is something behind this affair, and until I have ascertained what it is, the case is not complete from my point of view.

It would have simplified matters from my point of view if you had.

"From my point of view, it's an awkward drawback.

Look at it from my point of view.

I am not proposing to ask you to see it from my point of view.

(Quite right, from my point of view.)

My plan was quite obvious in its simplicity, and not in the least discreditable from my point of view.

Now, from my point of view, the chief consideration is the property.

" "Shall I explain the situation to you from my point of view?" said he.

Now you have the whole story from my point of view.

It's a stark impossibility from my point of view.

From my point of view, one of the best features in General Booth's scheme is that nobody is to receive anything for nothing.

"How disappointing!" "Not from my point of view," he said.

"From my point of view these insinuations are not worth considering," he said, "though no doubt it has given you a vast amount of enjoyment to fabricate them.

No source of light was visible from my point of view, but, of course, the phenomenon, though seemingly mysterious, was evident.

She could not see the matter from my point of view.

That the scoundrel should have used my name made matters worse, from my point of view.

Still, from my point of view, he is not an ideal cat.

You do not see this war from my point of view yetalas!

But from my point of view my refusal was justifiable.

From my point of view, namely, that the higher and simple ideas may well be the earlier, I have, at least, offered a theory of the processes by which the lower attributes crystallised around a conception supposed (argumenti gratia) to be originally high.

26 examples of  from my point of view  in sentences