93 examples of from the above in sentences

At the place where they did so, there was immediately formed a well, and from it, as well as from the above pond, where the queen bathed, the monks even now constantly take the water, and drink it.

LOUVIE SOUBIBON.A small village at the foot of a mountain worked for its slates, 4 miles from the above.

" From the above receipt, it appears they were moulded in different shapes, and not wholly confined to that of balls; and the like direction is given in another receipt for making pomanders printed in Markham's "English Housewife," p. 151, edit.

Hence may it, without the smallest exaggeration, be affirmed, that, summing up all the surcharges under which the shipments left the port of Manila, and comparing them with those which might have been sent direct from the above-mentioned points, and without so extraordinary a détour as the one prescribed by law, the difference that followed in the prime cost of the cargos was not less than 80 per cent.

On getting clear of the straits, they landed for the last time in Australian waters, and hoisting the English flag: "took possession of the whole Eastern Coast from the above latitude (38 degrees 0 minutes South) down to this place by the name of New Wales.

From the above circumstance this wine is called Vino d'Est, and it affords no small revenue to the proprietor of the cabaret on the road side who sells it.

I am, indeed, so firmly convinced, from the experience I have had, of the utility of a play-ground, from the above reasons, and others, elsewhere mentioned, that I scruple not to say, an infant school is of little, if any, service without one.

Aside from the above, some of the less important authors of lyrics, ballads, dramas, novels, etc., on the Lorelei-theme are: J. Bartholdi, H. Bender, H. Berg, J. P. Berger, A. H. Bernard, G. Conrad, C. Doll, L. Elchrodt, O. Fiebach, Fr.

Psychology, which is absent from the above enumeration, is to form a branch of biology, and exclusively to use the objective method, especially phrenology (to the three faculties of the soul, "heart, character, and intellect," correspond three regions of the brain).

The use of submarine or of subterranean conductors occasions, from the above cause, a small retardation in the velocity of the transmitted electricity.

The historical conclusions to be drawn from the above slight sketches are important in several respects.

The description of a canoe seen by Captain Flinders at Blue Mud Bay, in the Gulf of Carpentaria, differs very little from the above.

A host of imitators soon sprung up, but we are bound to acknowledge that from the above to the present time, Mr. Hood has kept the fieldthe Pampa of punto himself, and right sincerely are we obliged for the many quips and quiddities with which he has enabled us to garnish our pages.

xviii, 21, 22, 24, and in other places: but they cannot, from the above circumstances, be pronounced either blameless or culpable, or be predicated and judged as mild or grievous, because they do not appear before man, neither are they within the province of his judgement; wherefore it is meant, that after death they are so accounted or imputed.

From the above statement it appears that the desire to be free is daily becoming more general and more intense, and that the price of liberty remains the same, although the term of apprenticeship is decreasing.

" Now, it is easy to see from the above description of the torments which the wicked were supposed to suffer, that the writer had in his mind some of the pictures with which we are now familiar, thanks to the excavation of tombs which has gone on in Egypt during the last few years; and it is also easy to see that he, in common with many other Coptic writers, misunderstood the purport of them.

From the above, I leave the reader to judge of its prosperity.

From the above statement it will be seen that photographic apparatus has been furnished on a scale unequaled elsewhere.

After the return of his wife from the above meeting, he read over and over the precious promises of God, and became more and more convinced of the power of faith.

All I mean to infer from the above statement is, that his interest and internal conviction led him to the same conclusion.

At the distance of nearly five miles from the above island is the rocky islet a, in latitude 10 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds, and longitude 142 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds; it is of small size, and surrounded by deep water; and, being easily seen from the strait between Cape York and the York Isles, serves to direct the course.

A small island was reported in the Sydney Gazette to have been seen in latitude 36 degrees 27 minutes, and longitude 127 degrees 2 minutes East; but as the account says, that Kangaroo Island was seen the same day, which is not less than one hundred and fifty leagues from the above position, it appears too vague to be correct.

From the above specimens, our readers may determine for themselves to whose translation they would give the preference.

" It is clear from the above instructions that, in the king's mind, there was no inconsistency in making the Indians work in the mines and their good treatment.

He immediately landed and began to erect a fortress, which was named Nombre de Dios, from the above mentioned expression.

93 examples of  from the above  in sentences