2914 examples of fulfiled in sentences

But when really called to fulfil his promise and sign with his own hand those constitutions, he wavered.

But every pure soul fears that it does not fulfil its duty.

And though the conquerors immediately separated, in order to enjoy their new acquisitions, their martial disposition made them readily fulfil the terms of their engagement: they assembled on the first alarm; their habitual attachment to the chieftain made them willingly submit to his command; and thus a regular military force, though concealed, was always ready to defend, on any emergence, the interest and honour of the community.

These potent nobles were, from the danger of the precedent, averse to the execution of the laws of forfeiture and felony against any of their fellows; though they could not, with a good grace, refuse to concur in obliging them to fulfil any voluntary contract and engagement into which they had entered.

And how can any man fulfil this scheme of universal benevolence, who reduces an unfortunate person against his will, to the most insupportable of all human conditions; who considers him as his private property, and treats him, not as a brother, nor as one of the same parentage with himself, but as an animal of the brute creation?

Let any reader who doubts this, study the statistics of the occupations of the people, and reflect on how long a period must elapse before the labors of this trade or that can fulfil their ultimate function.

For twenty years the old negress had paid ten cents a month to her society to insure her burial, and now the lodge made ready to fulfil its pledge.

Flecknoeblunderingly classed among the Laureates by the compiler of "Cibber's Lives of the Poets"was an Irish priest, who had cast his cassock, or, as he euphuistically expressed it, "laid aside the mechanic part of priesthood," in order to fulfil the loftier mission of literary garreteer in London.

* THAT WHEN WE CANNOT FULFIL THAT WHICH THE CHARACTER OF A MAN PROMISES, WE ASSUME THE CHARACTER OF A PHILOSOPHER.It is no common (easy) thing to do this only, to fulfil the promise of a man's nature.

* THAT WHEN WE CANNOT FULFIL THAT WHICH THE CHARACTER OF A MAN PROMISES, WE ASSUME THE CHARACTER OF A PHILOSOPHER.It is no common (easy) thing to do this only, to fulfil the promise of a man's nature.

He uses God as the least inadequate name for that universal order which the intellect feels after as a law, and the heart feels after as a benefit; and defines it as the stream of tendency by which all things strive to fulfil the law of their being.

To fulfil this object, and to answer the endless craving for habitual excitants of the cerebral functions, they had been admitted reluctantly to the diet of their patients, rather as necessary evils than as positive goods.

So with fair fame and unvexed heart may Aristagoras fulfil his twelve-month term.

Three who remained behind were proscribed, and compelled to fulfil fifty days of penance.

Fulfil unto these their engagements until the expiration of their terms; for God loveth the pious.

He knew very well that nothing but an unlikely chance would enable him to fulfil his promise.

But he had his mission to fulfil, if it could be fulfilled.

And yet He who came to save our fallen race, and open the gates of heaven, and fulfil the words of the prophet, rode a female of this apparently degraded race of animals when He made his triumphal march into the city of the temple of the living God.

" Slavery is an insurmountable barrier to the increase of knowledge in every community where it exists; slavery, then, must be abolished before this prediction can be fulfiled.

" Slavery, then, must be overthrown before the prophecies can be accomplished, but how are they to be fulfiled?

Neither did it do away that distinction, which marked her national descent by a specific grade and term of service, nor impair her obligation to fulfil her part of the contract.

CANNOT the United States Government fulfil the purpose for which it was brought into being?

" Slavery is an insurmountable barrier to the increase of knowledge in every community where it exists; slavery, then, must be abolished before this prediction can be fulfiled.

" Slavery, then, must be overthrown before the prophecies can be accomplished, but how are they to be fulfiled?

Her duty lay before her clearly defined, and she meant to fulfil it.

2914 examples of  fulfiled  in sentences