683 examples of fumbling in sentences

" He pulled it to without another word, and I could hear him fumbling with the lock.

" Then slowly the Miller arose to his feet, and slowly and unwillingly he untied the mouth of the bag, and slowly thrust his hands into the meal and began fumbling about with his arms buried to the elbows in the barley flour.

He heaved a big sigh and then sat down, fumbling for a match to light his cigar.

They went up the cliff in a long file, clawing their way, cursing the steepness, now and then one or another of them fumbling uncertainly, close to a slip and a fall.

Lifting the cup to his lips, while Gyp, fumbling for a sandwich, watched him furtively, he drained it without stopping.

fumbling caressingly at the mare's neck with hands numb and stiff and chuckling pitifully, insanely, while his face was drawn with agony nearly unendurable.

Already he was kneeling, fumbling with the straps of his snowshoes.

With a spring, she flung herself on me, her hand fumbling for the pocket I had tapped suggestively a moment ago.

The simple old woman, comprehending only that they speak of her, drops a courtesy, looking furtively about her with troubled eyes, and fumbling over her beads; the "protest" has no meaning for her, although it is written in good Venetian.

but he really is crazy?" He led the way up an outside staircase at the end of the Brick Row, and, after fumbling a long time in several deep pockets, produced a huge rusty iron key, and unlocked the door at the head of the stairs.

That on top of all the rest of his trouble was a little too much; and after fumbling over the pieces a while, "I told you so" ringing in his ears, he completely lost his temper, and vented his passion in the words: "The deuce take the wheelbarrow.

She broke from him and he heard her fumbling at the window.

He is fumbling with his purse-strings, as a school-boy with his points, when he is going to be whipped, 'till the master, weary with long stay, forgives him.

In the darkness he heard Bruce fumbling somewhere near.

It was a foolish sight; first gathering, as it were, about the stone from all sides, then making a dash at it, then digging all round its sides and fumbling at it, throwing up the earth with his bare hands, ay, so he did.

" "Dozens!" says Tom, and begins fumbling in his pockets; from whence he pulls a case of surgical instruments, another of mathematical ones, another of lancets, and a knife with innumerable blades, saws, and pickers, every one of which he opens carefully, and then spreads the whole fearful array upon the grass before him.

Soon after five o'clock I heard Frances fumbling with the key, and, peering over the railing again, I waited till she reappeared and went back into her own room.

It was a bit hard when you had been thinking you had played your part fairly creditably to discover you had been fumbling your cues wretchedly all along.

" Larry flushed and fell to fumbling with a paper knife that lay on the desk.

Jack Bates turned very red, and arter fumbling in 'is pockets took out about a dozen dirty bits o' paper, which Charlie 'ad given 'im for I

The old style of farmer, solid and substantial enough, fumbling at the bottom of his canvas bag for silver and gold, was a crusty curmudgeon where silk and satin, kid gloves, and so forth were concerned.

" "No; I'd sooner pay now and get it over," said the other, still fumbling in his pockets.

The significance of the much fumbling and groping of earth's creatures is the desire for a larger outlook.

Behind him, almost beneath his horse, his brother Tony had raised himself on his elbow and was fumbling with his empty gun.

After no end of fumbling I found the sleeve.

683 examples of  fumbling  in sentences