19 examples of furia in sentences

There exists in Livonia, a very rare insect, which is not met with in more northern countries, and whose existence was for a long time considered doubtful, called the Furia Infernalis.

The sun streamed in broad flashes of light over the soft rose-tinted walls of the palazzo and over the splendid balcony from which the Doge was wont to view the processions and fêtes of the Republic; the richly sculptured decorations detached themselves at once in allegory, the figures all leading up to Venice enthroned, holding out to the world her proud motto, "Fortis, justa, trono furias, mare sub pede pono."

If aught therefore be amiss (as I grant there is), I require a friendly admonition, no bitter invective, Sint musis socii Charites, Furia omnis abesto, otherwise, as in ordinary controversies, funem contentionis nectamus, sed cui bono?

It is not as they vainly think, they shall surely be admired and immortal, as one told Philip of Macedon insultingly, after a victory, that his shadow was no longer than before, we may say to them, "Nos demiramur, sed non cum deside vulgo, Sed velut Harpyas, Gorgonas, et Furias.

In furias ignemque ruunt; amor omnibus idem.

Las cuencas del Moncayo repitieron de eco en eco el bramido de las trompas, el latir de la jauría desencadenada y las voces de los pajes resonaron con nueva furia, y el confuso tropel de hombres, caballos y perros se dirigió al punto que Iñigo, el montero mayor de los marqueses de Almenar, señalara, como el más á propósito para cortarle el paso á la res.

El señor arzobispo está hecho, y con razón, una furia....

furia, f., fury; estar hecho una , to be in a rage.

Poi disse: Aspetta un poco, intendi saldo, Che non ti punga qualche strana ortica: Sappi ch' egli è ne la zuffa Rinaldo: Guarda che il nome per nulla non dica: Che non dicesse in quella furia caldo, Dunque tu se' da la parte nimica: Si che tu giuochi netto, destro e largo: Che ti bisogua aver quì gli occhi d'Argo.

E trasse un mandiretto e due e tre Con tanta furia, e quattro e cinque e sei, Che non ebbe agio a domandar merzè, E morto cadde sanza dire omei.

Poi si stracciò la vesta con gran furia, E disse: Io tornerò ne la battaglia, Poi che tu m' hai per traditore scorto: Io non son traditor, se Dio mi vaglia: Non mi vedrai più oggi se non morto.

Omne adeo genus in terris hominumque ferarumque, Et genus aequoreum, pecudes, pictaeque volucres, In furias ignemque ruunt: amor omnibus idem.

Augustus made some attempt to limit the enfranchising power of the owner; but the Leges Aelia Sentia and Furia Caninia do not lie within the compass of this book.

And though an account of the saintly women who have led lives of seclusion would scarcely seem to be included under the title of Montalembert's work, he does not neglect to add sketches of the most conspicuous of them,Euphrosyne, Pelagia, Marcella, Furia, and others.

Both worked con furia, with the impetuosity of daemonic natures; and both left the impress of their individuality graven indelibly upon their age.

In furias ignemque ruunt, Amor omnibus Idem.' Virg.

The throned figure of Venice above bears a scroll inscribed: Fortis, justa, trono furias, mare sub pede, pono.

As Hey Fortuna, furia, nunquam, Credo, passe passe, when come you Sirrah?

However, Dr. Stobæus' skill pulled him through, and in after years he got square by labelling the serpent furia infernalishell-furyin his natural history.

19 examples of  furia  in sentences