349 examples of furtive in sentences

She saw Wesley's furtive starts, his strange disappearances, his growing melancholy, his moody reticence when she questioned him.

" They walked on together through the lane of cottages, where furtive forms lurked in door-ways and behind curtains.

There was something furtive about this intruder, and at the same time familiar to Paul, who peered at him through the gloom.

His manner was both furtive and constrained.

The furtive scorpion whose sting is death is not indigenous to the territory, but Mr. Skeel had gained the appellation in New Mexico, a region where the tail-bearing insect may be found, and when the man left the Border for the Border's good the name left with him.

His furtive eyes became more furtive than ever.

His furtive eyes became more furtive than ever.

Lady Maud did not look at the top of his head, nor steal a furtive glance at the strong muscles and sinews of his solid neck.

If she moved, his gaze followed her about the room, as straight as a steel follows on after a magnet; and when she stood still, he cast furtive glances that way each minute.

At the Kybirds' door the proprietor, smoking a short clay pipe, eyed him with furtive glee as he passed.

[Illustration: "The proprietor eyed him with furtive glee as he passed.

" The worthy Lieutenant walked on in silence, stealing furtive glances at Tom, as if he had been a guest from the other world, but not disbelieving his story in the least.

They stood about the doorways, barefooted and ragged, watching Kit with furtive black eyes.

After several reflective puffs, the smoke of which insufficiently veiled his furtive appraisal of myself, he tried again: "They give O'Dowd a shade, last night.

He was hurrying across the park space in the furtive manner of one going to a shameful rendezvous, and upon my hailing him he at first essayed to sheer off.

His call grew quavery and furtive.

At length the trembling finger achieves the furtive tap, and the door was opened by a woman, whose figure could only be seen by him in coming between him and the obscure light that came in by the half-sunk window in front; nor could she, even if she had had the power of vision, see more of him, for the lobby was still darker.

He crossed over in a wobbly boat packed from cellar to attic with Red Tabs invalided with shell shock, Blue Tabs with trench fever, and Green Tabs with brain-fag; Mechanical Transporters in spurs and stocks, jam merchants in revolvers and bowie-knives, Military Police festooned with pickelhaubes, and here and there a furtive fighting man who had got away by mistake, and would be recalled as soon as he landed.

The housekeeper had gone to spend the night with an ailing sister, and a furtive glance at Brother Burge's small shifty eyes and fat unwholesome face was sufficient to deter him from leaving him alone with his property, while he went to ask the police to give an eye to his house for the night.

" The girl's eyes roved all around like the furtive eyes of a frightened animal.

And the next morning, when I moved again, my furtive eye-corners were very well aware of the Prince's Channel light-ship, and also the Tongue ship, for there they were:

And I turned my eyesogling, suspicious eyes of furtive horrorreluctantly, lingeringly turnedand I peered deeply with lowered brows across the murky winds at that same spot: but no man was there.

The countenances of the men were as colourless as the white fabric in their looms; their eyes sparkled with intelligence, but it was chiefly the intelligence of suffering, of privation, of keen sense of wrong, of inability to be better, of rankling hatred against existing institutions, and a furtive wish that some hideous calamity would bury them all in one common, undistinguishable ruin.

They change their relative positions in a slow, furtive, creeping fashion.

But more than once he glanced at the girl, and after each furtive scrutiny his plain visage manifested some disturbance, a troubled thoughtfulness.

349 examples of  furtive  in sentences