518 examples of fust in sentences

He even allowed Dab to pick out a line for him, and to put on the hook and sinker; and Dick Lee showed him how to fix his bait, "so de fust cunner dat rubs agin it won't knock it off.

I wish you'd jes' take a good look at 'im, fust chance ye git.

He used to talk fust-rate.

Yo' don't gaiss they made a errah, Mahstah Majah?" He searched my face with a sudden hope: "Yo' don't reckon they git a idy them funichas an' home-fixin's ain't been paid foh in th' fust place?

This is a work written by William Durand, Bishop of Mende, and printed on vellum, in folio, by Fust and Schoeffer, in Mentz, 1459.

" Mrs. Carr looked puzzled and a little vexed, as she answered, "Well, I reckon they've got to be talked about a good deal, fust and last, 's long 's there's so many dies on 'em.

"Well, in the fust place, the old lady is awfully down on you, says you've disgraced the family, and she disowns you, and all that sort of humbug, but I shet her up by telling her that whatever she said agin you, she said agin me."

I've been here nigh onto two weeks, now, and I don't know her no betther than when I fust come.

They did go reg'lar at fust, but the gig's at the wheelwright's gettin' new shaf's." "Gig, indeed!" ejaculated Molly.

When he fust come here, I jes' goes to him, and ses I, 'How's you goin' to run this farm, sir,ramshackle or reg'lar?'

That's what we did, and we're gittin' along fust rate.

They is fust rate, and when we sends our craps to market, there won't be much to take for 'spenses out of what we git.

Nobody sick up at the school, I hope?" "The haalth of the school is fust-rate," replied Mr. Peckham.

I'll be skwitched, ef it a'n't a fust-rate consarn, the hull on't.

When he bought a new necktie and a smart cap and washed 'imself twice in one day they fust began to ask each other wot was up, and then they asked him.

Fust he looked out o' the winder, then he 'ummed a tune, and at last, looking at 'em very fierce, he took a tooth-brush wrapped in paper out of 'is pocket and began to clean 'is teeth.

They talked it over that night between themselves, and next evening they went out fust and hid themselves round the corner.

" Ginger, who was siting on the foot o' Sam's bed, said "no" at fust, but arter a time he pulled out arf a dollar and spun it in the air.

Ginger Dick was the fust there next night, and took 'er a little chiney teapot he 'ad picked up dirt cheap because it was cracked right acrost the middle; but, as he explained that he '

The fust evening Sam sat expecting them every minute, and was so surprised that he couldn't take any advantage of it; but on the second, beginning by squeezing Mrs. Finch's 'and at ha'-past seven, he 'ad got best part of his arm round 'er waist by a quarter to ten.

" Sam pretended not to believe 'em at fust, and said they was jealous; but next day he crept down to the greengrocer's shop in the same street, where Ginger had 'appened to buy some oranges one day, and found that it was only too true.

Old Sam crept back 'ome like a man in a dream, with a bag of oranges he didn't want, and, arter making a present of the engagement-ring to Gingerif 'e could get ithe took the fust train to Tilbury and signed on for a v'

"When I met one of these 'ere artful ones I used fust of all to pretend to be more stupid than wot I really am.

"And gave 'im too much licker fust," ses old Cook.

They was all so surprised at fust that they couldn't speak, but old Cook smiled at 'im and put the winder up agin.

518 examples of  fust  in sentences